Lately however, with the increasing speed at which our society operates, we are seeing that companies have had to become more agile in order to compete.
When kids in downtown Flint or rural Iowa can't afford or access high-speed Internet, that sets back America's ability to compete.
We should recognize, the one who has mastered the knowledge, information, information processing speed, volume, whose high efficiency, who will be able to compete in various invincible.
Trains cannot compete with planes in terms of convenience and speed.
The vehicles chosen for the final competition will compete in a cross country race in 2009 and 2010 that will test speed, urban driving and overall performance.
In June, the Speed Sisters became the first all-female racing team to compete in the Speed Test, a popular race in the West Bank.
In June, the Speed Sisters became the first all-female racing team to compete in the Speed Test, a popular race in the West Bank.