FOLLOWERS of competition policy had expected the next big antitrust news to come out of Washington.
The policy goal of the readjustment should be eventually forming the competition policy based on rules.
Joint ventures can become an issue for competition policy when they are established by competing firms.
Based on the competition policy, it shall be divided into DE facto distinctiveness and DE jure distinctiveness.
And some will oppose competition policy and strong corporate governance laws: Let Darwinian survival work its wonders.
Therefore, the conflicts between competition policy and industry policy in the area of enterprise merger are inevitable.
The article begins with the outline of the EC competition policy and indicates that its traditional goal is to encourage the free trade.
For the purposes of competition policy, the most relevant of these is the existence of market power, or the absence of perfect competition.
At present, UNCTAD, OECD, APEC and WTO also have special facilities or committees or working groups to study or harmonize the competition policy.
But market itself does not have and maintain free and fair competitive mechanism. So competition policy is required to protect and promote competition.
The thesis is focused on the study of the conflict and coordination between the competition policy and industry policy in the area of enterprise merger.
As one of the earliest economics which possess the competition policy, EU and the USA cooperate to promote the world-wide harmonization of competition policy.
"Microsoft is the first company in 50 years of EU competition policy that the commission has had to fine for failure to comply with an anti-trust decision," she said.
There is clearly some tension between financial-stability goals and the tenets of competition policy, which hold that oligopolies are inefficient and serve consumers badly.
Nevertheless, the features of competition policy and diversity of competition policies of different nations make international coordination of competition policy an arduous task.
The core of Europe's single market-a ban on tariffs, quotas, and subsidies, protected by the Schengen Agreement prohibiting border controls and competition policy-seems to be holding firm.
In terms of competition policy, the problem is to weigh the potential reduction in competition against the potential benefits of pooling risks, sharing capital costs and diffusing knowledge.
If interchange fees merely shift economic rents from merchants to card firms, then that is not a concern for competition policy (especially if some of the rents end up washing back to cardholders).
We coined the term National Competition Policy both to emphasise that we needed policies about where and how competition could be better used, and to emphasise that those policies should be national.
The existing competition policy including domestic, bilateral and the dispersed competition policy under WTO framework is unable to effectively resolve the daily increasing global competition issue.
We coined the term national competition Policy both to emphasise that we needed policies about where and how competition could be better used, and to emphasise that those policies should be national.
"I'd call it the culture of competition," said Alex Hills, a professor of engineering and public policy at Carnegie Mellon, explaining why a single standard was not set in the United States.
The bulls say that trusts represent healthy interest rate competition, a way for corporations to put pressure on regulators to liberalize interest rate policy.
The prospects have rarely been brighter for these two groups to join forces and drag Japan towards true policy-based competition between parties. Nor has the need ever been greater.
两党联手推动日本朝着两党在政策方面的竞争, 现在这种前景前所未有的明朗,这种需求也是前所未有的强烈。
So far, unfortunately, the dominant U. s. policy response to this perceived global competition has been a single-minded focus on increasing the absolute number of scientists.
After that earnestly is analyzing channel management question and so on customer demand, product characteristic, competition pattern, channel structure, channel policy, channel marketing organization.
After that earnestly is analyzing channel management question and so on customer demand, product characteristic, competition pattern, channel structure, channel policy, channel marketing organization.