China's badly-assembled motor trade needs a complete overhaul.
It's clear that the Wolves need a complete overhaul — starting with the front office.
Congress must keep pressing for a complete overhaul of the consumer protection system.
This country needs a complete overhaul. We've got to get out of the mess that we're in.
And he praised AMR for attempting a complete overhaul, rather than incremental improvements.
At the same time underwent Konami the graphics and visual elements of the game a complete overhaul.
Windows phone Series 7 is the result of a complete overhaul of Microsoft's vision of the mobile phone.
In truth, it's Germany's hopelessly outdated data protection laws that need to be given a complete overhaul.
The transition from a planned economy to a market-oriented one in China requires a nearly complete overhaul of the tax system.
What is the basic structure of the content, and how is it organized? Is it a complete overhaul of the current site or an expansion?
SO, maybe instead of saying, "no, SOA is not integration," and then advocating a complete overhaul, maybe SOA experts could try this: "Sure, great!"
Whether it's a new exercise program or a complete overhaul of your relationships with the people that you know, once you have your plan, do not give up on it.
Now being in used, the ATS meets the need of test and diagnosis in airborne equipment complete overhaul, and maintenance efficiency has been increased greatly.
Occasionally the brand needs a complete overhaul, and then I have to explore a range of possibilities based on the clients visual concerns and marketing objectives.
Woman: he certainly did: he slimmed down the head office, he undertook a complete overhaul of the top management team and tidied up the company's international operations.
During a brainstorm session, a side conversation about showcasing two versions of content to determine the best option for our customers led to a complete overhaul of our product.
The decision will see a complete overhaul of youth development at Arsenal, with those previously in the Reserve team now stepping up into the first-team as part of the 25 man squad rule.
Songbird 1.8.0 comes with a complete visual and behind-the-scenes overhaul of the Service Pane, support for more devices such as BlackBerry Storm - a complete list can be found on Songbird's blog.
在Songbird1.8.0 中,服务框格(ServicePane)里里外外做了大的改动,并支持更多的设备比如黑莓风暴系列手机(BlackBerry Storm)——完整的支持设备列表可以在Songbird博客中找到。
The Puhaindrans realized at once that their new home required a complete interior overhaul.
It is the first part of the campus overhaul to the complete, with the final phase of the project is expected to finish in 2019.
It is the first part of the campus overhaul to the complete, with the final phase of the project is expected to finish in 2019.