Chengde city has a complex terrain, mountains surounded, rivers staggered.
Complex terrain and electromagnetic environment are the main factors on the tactical communications.
It is important for micrositing a wind farm to master the distribution of wind energy in a complex terrain.
Owing to the continental monsoon and complex terrain effects in different parts of the city's varied climate.
It has been a crucial technology to select correct landing site in complex terrain for planetary soft landing.
There are very few reports on the spectral characteristics of atmospheric turbulence in an urban area of complex terrain.
Hence the need for complex terrain and different weather conditions sulphur gas well blowout H2S proliferation of research.
因而有必要对复杂地形和不同气象条件下含硫气井井喷h 2s扩散规律进行研究。
How to simplify the virtual display of complex terrain scene is one of the research hot spots in the field of visualization.
As the Shanghai downtown construction-intensive, complex terrain, has been the focus of three-dimensional modeling and difficult.
Due to its good adaptability to complex terrain and high flexibility, multi-legged walking robots have become a research hotspot.
Terrain analysis consists of two kinds, namely the computation of basic terrain factor and the analysis of complex terrain factor.
By contrasting these simulative results, the experiments check up the forcing of heat flux and complex terrain to sea surface wind.
East complex terrain, a steep slope, numerous islands, is the fold of the seabed Proterozoic sedimentary rocks and too ancient crystalline rock.
Dongshan coal mine is the key coal mine enterprise in ShanXi province, and the region there has complex terrain, which is a typical mountainous mining.
They have the inherent advantages of portability and speed of operation which make them particularly suitable for fieldwork in areas of complex terrain.
This paper blowout accident occurred in the actual surface of the complex terrain of the three-dimensional model of the modeling methods were discussed.
It is important to master the distribution of wind energy and the character of turbulence intensity in complex terrain for the micrositing of wind farms.
Kunyu Mountain is a good site for botany open fieldwork because of its complex terrain, plentiful rain, great variety of species and abundant wild plants.
In this paper, a 3-dimensional non-hydrostatic PBL model has been developed and used for numerical simulation in the complex terrain, near Hang Zhou gulf.
Complex terrain of network design, dust source points sealed design and the choice of devices, mobile sources dust-dust control and grass control are the key link.
Combined with the topographic and physiognomic maps of natural terrains, a 3-D model which generates the geometrical structures of complex terrain, has been developed.
An empirical method is put forward to estimate diffusion parameters in complex terrain in the light of the modelling experiments and is verified by the data from other sites.
A new generation atmosphere diffusion model (ADMS model) and Regulatory model were used to forecast the average concentration values of H2S in a complex terrain of Chongqing.
China's vast, complex terrain, has brought many challenges to geological exploration work, past of pitting and drilling technology has been unable to adapt to complex terrain.
An example of the practical use of the instrument to measure the spectral reflectance of partially vegetated surfaces in an area of complex terrain in southern Italy is presented.
A 3-d mesoscale Planetary boundary layer (PBL) dynamics prognostic in complex terrain was established to simulate 3-d mesoscale flow field under local sea-land breeze circulation.
A 3-d mesoscale Planetary boundary layer (PBL) dynamics prognostic in complex terrain was established to simulate 3-d mesoscale flow field under local sea-land breeze circulation.