Now, many digital logic systems cannot do without computer aided design CAD, especially the VHDL Hardware Description Language.
An electronic blueprint states exactly what materials go where and are drawn up using traditional engineering computer-aided design (CAD) software.
No more pictures of a rotating auto chassis, no visual engineering design, no CAD (computer- aided design) for buildings, kitchens, highways, etc.
Computer graphics hardly exist. No more pictures of a rotating auto chassis, no visual engineering design, no CAD (computer - aided design) for buildings, kitchens, highways, etc.
According to the characteristics of dish-spring combined design, using computer aided design, database and computer graphics technology, this paper gives a CAD system of dish-spring combined design.
Courses include computer drafting fundamentals, advanced computer-aided design (CAD) applications, survey drafting, mechanical drafting, and architectural drafting.
Equipped with advanced computer - aided design (CAD) systems and computer management system.
The object"the CAD system for shaped milling cutter"is a project application software which works with computer aided design and parameterized modeling.
Computer aided design (CAD) of Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) is a significant foundation for commercialization of MEMS.
The article puts forward computer aided design (CAD) method used for a light flexural vibration of the ultrasonic spot welding machine.
In the paper, computer aided design (CAD) technology is used to achieve simulation of sacrificial layer etching.
Computer Aided design (CAD) is an advance technology of modern engineering and product design. CAD has an important value and is applied widely in all fields of industry.
The special Computer Aided Design (CAD) system is the necessary way to improve the sound quality of vehicle by promoting the design quality and efficiency of products.
To support rapid apparel design, based on its design knowledge, the integration of computer aided design(CAD) and product data management(PDM) was researched.
It is an available tool based on modern optimization method and computer program, resolving complex design problem. It is an important aspect on computer aided design (CAD).
Objective: To develop a new method of computer aided design (CAD) of veneer on maxillary incisor.
This paper narrates the principle and the way of the design for PDC bit placing by CAD, and introduces the contents and the elements of the Computer aided design.
本文在讨论PD C钻头布齿设计特点的基础上,叙述利用CAD进行PD C钻头布齿设计的原理和方法,介绍PD C钻头布齿计算机辅助设计软件的内容和编制原理。
In this paper, a method of using CAD (Computer Aided design) technology in the field of aircraft structure load design is discussed.
RF MEMS switch is designed by computer aided design (CAD) method.
应用计算机辅助设计(CAD)方法模拟设计一种射频微机械(RF - MEMS)开关。
The student also receives hands-on experience with computer-aided design (CAD) equipment in drawing architectural plans.
RESULTS The 3D contour image of femoral condyle was presented which can be edited and processed arbitrarily for computer aided design (CAD) of artificial bioactive bone.
Computer aided design (CAD) is used to design the shapes of hulls, appendages and decks.
The deficiencies in current methods of cylinder design are studied and a new method for CAD software development-Computer-Aided-Design with varible structure is presented.
Based on the computer aided design (CAD) digital base of complete denture model, a titanium base was made with the RS-850 laser rapid forming system, which processing parameters were suitable.
The computer aided design (CAD) is adopted to solve the above problems.
The JDM CAD is a busbar's construction computer aided-design software. The principle and process of busbar's edit were introduced in this paper.
The JDM CAD is a busbar's construction computer aided-design software. The principle and process of busbar's edit were introduced in this paper.