A computer database relies upon software to organize the storage of data.
Objectives: To establish a computer database system for new drug selection and management.
Let me check the information in our computer database. Could you hold for a moment, please?
This paper first analyses a private computer database model for personal communication networks.
She begins to take note of the way these things are described in the sort of pre-computer database.
To administer the number coding of the import and export business institutions and their computer database.
The data recorded during the meetings were transcribed, and then verified prior to entry in a computer database.
To many big companies, you aren't just a customer, but are described by multiple "dimensions" of information within a computer database.
All specimens were for the 1642 total by Mr. Wu Junqi sorting, screening, part of the re-posted after the computer database has been completed.
Abstract: : This paper represented the problems existing in the management of the computer database, and through the analysis to achieve the purpose of solving the problem.
For tracing records of farming informations expediently and credibly, we design the system of collecting farming informations, which consists of the handset and the computer database.
The thesis dissertate whole process at building information and network system, including 5 aspects: material manage theory, computer database, application procedure, network and safe.
If a special tag-reader is waved near the arm, a radio signal prompts the chip to transmit an identification number which is used to call up information about the wearer in a computer database.
I exited the database and switched off the computer.
Give the right computer a massive database of faces, and it can process what it sees—then recognize a face it's told to find—with remarkable speed and precision.
Using a sample checkout and reservation application model for lab computer systems, we start with the most simplistic code required to access application data from the database.
It may be a minor inconvenience if your television or computer won't work when the power goes out, but the same can't be said for a database.
The only way to eliminate the administrative overhead and performance cost of giving each user a connection to the database is to move the relational database work off the computer.
Once trained the computer examines images in the much larger database from which the samples were taken.
People buying medicine scratch off a panel attached to the packaging. This reveals a code, which they can text to a computer system that looks it up in a database.
Early databases on the personal computer struggled with performance until administrators learned to use stored procedures to consolidate many database communications into one.
Here, the host is a large computer, and the profiles are stored in a database on that computer.
Note: the client software for your relational database must be installed on the same computer on which you are creating the FAP ODBC data source and TM1 server.
注意:关系数据库的客户端软件必须安装在与创建FAPOD BC数据源和TM 1服务器所在的同一台计算机上。
The way virtual processors function to database server is similar to the way that a CPU functions in a computer.
虚拟处理器对数据库服务器的作用类似于CPU 对计算机的作用。
The computer takes a photo of the user, and matches it against a database of registered users.
This code creates a local database on your computer or server named db.
As a result, you know that this demo application will work on a computer on which the full Apache Derby database software is not installed.
FMTouch runs locally on your iPhone, which allows you to edit the database and then sync the changes back to FileMaker Pro when you get back to your computer.
FMTouch runs locally on your iPhone, which allows you to edit the database and then sync the changes back to FileMaker Pro when you get back to your computer.