Article 120 After evaluating a matter, the experts shall write a conclusion of expert evaluation and affix his signature to it.
The third step is to fuse test and expert information, and then improve the topology of network and get conclusion.
Conclusion: Combining with clinical symptoms, expert operating and rich experience may improve the diagnostic rate of ultrasonography in carcinoma of head of pancreas.
Conclusion: it is practical to make recuperation scheme and calculate the requirement intensity of military recuperation with expert opinion.
A tumor in Germany prevention and cure expert according to research put forward an astonishing conclusion, think smoke cigarette to side person of endanger than oneself return big!
This paper summarizes the development of a computer program named cucumber expert system, conclusion and function as well.
The research approach is the integration of geo-science analysis & conclusion, map analysis, expert consulting, as well as GIS &. RS spatial analysis method, to extract, conclude and build them.
The fact assertion includes medical documents analysis and expert conclusion of medical malpractice.
In the litigation process of expert involved, the common law system and civil law system have developed different expert opinions-expert testimony and expert conclusion.
Expert evidence in China, however, is merely a kind of expert's conclusion that is neither scientific, nor sufficient.
Expert evidence in China, however, is merely a kind of expert's conclusion that is neither scientific, nor sufficient.