The beauty of this study is it neatly tests the idea and puts a concrete number on the improvement.
If the price can be special, we promise every year the order of the lowest amount, the concrete number needs to be negotiated decision.
Make sure you figure out the percentage of visitors who reach the goals, not just the concrete Numbers if there's a difference in the total number of visitors who saw each design.
On Saturday, the steel and concrete building housing the Fukushima Daiichi Number One nuclear reactor was blown apart by an explosion, but officials said the blast had not breached the reactor’s core.
Coal ash has a number of industrial uses-cement, concrete and highways among them.
This extension would likely have the concrete effect of expanding the number of beneficiaries of parity far beyond the most disabled sufferers of mental illness.
A class like TextSplitter (or its future descendents) might contain a bit of functionality that might be useful for a number of concrete descendents.
But as before, there are a number of concrete behaviors that we would like to verify.
A semantic item may appear on any number of diagrams, so notation rarely has any concrete meaning to an application.
In this article, I'm going to give you some concrete tips and examples to reduce the number of emails in your inbox instantly - and help you keep it that way long term with the use of filters.
With a greater number of higher quality strong motion instruments located at or near dams, our base of knowledge of the magnitude of shaking to which concrete dams have been subjected has increased.
In this case, the concrete child parser should provide a number of methods with names in the form p_foobar (self, args).
在这种情况下,具体子解析器会提供很多方法,方法名的形式为p_ foobar (self,args)。
“Reducing the number of hungry people by 500 million in the remaining 7 years to 2015 will require an enormous and resolute global effort and concrete actions,” said Ghanem.
Before concrete vibration starts, plan well number of sets of sample blocks to be retained and check whether on-site form testing is enough.
Could you show some concrete statistical figures to explain the number of localite who live in the solar homes?
A number of tests were carried out to study the behavior of abrasion resistance of the concrete used in the sluice buildings of the Gezhouba Project.
The application of modern number calculation and simulating technique is discussed in the university physics and two concrete examples are presented.
The polypropylene fiber can effectively control the length, width and number of the drying shrinkage crack of early-age concrete.
The initial-crack, fracture impact cycle number and impact energy of these concrete beams with different fiber dosages are also tested.
The effect of deck number on the protection ability is presented by thesimulation between single deck concrete target and triple deck one.
The concrete pump is only relocated after a number of sections have been completed.
Does the rainwater manage 100's bed courses and the dimensions depositing concrete now should interpose number reasonableness?
The number of concrete cracks will be reduced and the dam quality will be improved effectively by adopting appropriate heat and moisture insulating material and implementation scheme.
By the late nineteenth century, mathematicians began to conduct axiomatic study through abstracting the common features of a number of different concrete objects.
There were many multistory, reinforced concrete frame buildings of several types in Hiroshima and a smaller number in Nagasaki.
There were many multistory, reinforced concrete frame buildings of several types in Hiroshima and a smaller number in Nagasaki.