Two approaches to reduce the element value and condition number of matrix are proposed.
Condition number of matrix is a main root to result in large error in solution during the running of Gaussian algorithm.
The stability of the reconstruction procedure is discussed using the condition number of matrix, and the theoretical maxima of the refraction angle and USAXS distribution width are given.
Circular coil's configuration was studied on the basis of the condition number of the sensitive matrix.
Zonal wavefront reconstructing model is adopted, the least squares solution is applied, and the condition number of wavefront reconstruction matrix is used to estimate how its morbidity is.
The structural performances are evaluated from the condition number (CN) of equilibrium matrix, and CN and minimum eigenvalue of stiffness matrix.
The red and black ordering method about the coefficient matrix of a class of linear equations and the condition number of schur complement matrix deduced from red and black matrix are studied.
QR decomposition can improve the condition number of a matrix and then improve the numerical stability.
This paper studies relation between the linear function and the matrix trace, and obtains a number of necessary and sufficient the condition that a linear function is trace of matrix.
This paper studies relation between the linear function and the matrix trace, and obtains a number of necessary and sufficient the condition that a linear function is trace of matrix.