The first conditional statement is used for input validation.
Looking at the conditional statement, it looks like there's a missing then.
Example 8-2 shows how a script can become more complicated by using a conditional statement.
例8 - 2展示了如何通过使用一个条件语句来使脚本变得复杂。
The case statement is another conditional statement that you can use in place of using an if statement.
case语句是另一种条件型语句,您可以用该语句来替代if 语句。
Breakpoints can be set on the sequence diagram by using the RTC_BREAK conditional statement. (See Figure 14.)
您可以使用RTC _ BREAK状态性声明来在序列图上设置中断点(参见图14)。
Any of the relational operators you've seen earlier in this chapter can be used to produce a conditional statement.
A programming pattern that USES a conditional statement to check for and handle circumstances that might cause an error.
Use the result in a conditional statement, assign the result to a variable, or pass it as an argument to another method.
We need to write a conditional statement that will test what page is being viewed and define a variable based on the results of that test.
To distinguish the layout of this content from that of other pages, we used a conditional statement in the body of the page, like the one in Listing 3.
Listing 11 is best thought of as a giant conditional statement, which executes a particular branch based on the value of the o parameter in the request url.
Assembly language instruction sequence perform arithmetic, and jump instruction by changing the program counter value to execute the conditional statement and circular statement.
After adding the new condition, you will see a conditional statement dropdown menu, which will have options such as "Less than," "Less than or equal to," "Greater than", and so forth.
加入新的条件后,你就会看到一个下拉菜单式的条件语句,包括诸如“小于(Lessthan)”、“小于等于(Less than or equalto)”、“大于(Greater than)”等选项。
In general, you can replace a conditional statement with a conditional expression if both branches contain simple expressions that are either returned or assigned to the same variable.
In a statement issued after a meeting in Gaza City, Hamas said its ceasefire was conditional on Israel stopping its attacks on the strip.
This line of code might look a little odd because it is a conditional requires statement.
Lisp also handles conditional constructs such as the if statement.
The statements on line 1, 2, and 3, and the comparison on line 4, all form one basic block that ends with the conditional jump implementing the if statement.
Adding, removing, or changing the evaluation expression of a conditional compilation statement.
Adding, removing, or changing the evaluation expression of a conditional compilation statement.