FEW years ago, Burger King, a fast-food chain, conducted a study of the eating habits of some of its most frequent customers.
A FEW years ago, Burger King, a fast-food chain, conducted a study of the eating habits of some of its most frequent customers.
So it conducted a study of office workers - 2,000 of them across 11 countries - to see how they relate to the many devices they now rely on to get their work done.
In 2005, a team led by Emory University psychiatrist and neuroscientist Dr. Greory Berns conducted a study of group conformity using an MRI to measure brain activity on test subjects.
2005年,埃默里大学精神病专家,神经科专家Greory Berns博士领导一支科研小组,使用核磁共振成像技术观测大脑活动,进而研究社会从众性现象。
Front-line and distance ranging from a uniform line array for the main study, in ideal conditions, respectively, conducted a study of four algorithms, and draw the corresponding conclusions.
A recent study, conducted by Emory University's Erika Hall, found that "Black" people are viewed more negatively than "African Americans" because of a perceived difference in socioeconomic status.
To return to the problem of water pollution, I'd like you to look at a study conducted in Australia in 2012.
A large, ongoing study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found 148 chemicals in Americans of all ages.
Crouched in the fetal position is the most popular sleep pattern and favored by 51 percent of women, according to the results of the study he conducted for a large hotel group.
A study conducted in Youngstown, Ohio, for example, discovered that greener areas of the city experienced less crime.
A study on the oxygen consumption rate of chlorobenzene homologue under the condition of cosubstrate was conducted.
The study was part of a larger randomized controlled trial conducted in Mexico by researchers from Emory University and local investigators.
A study conducted in America was presented to the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).
To tighten the focus on those early findings, psychologists Prathiba Shammi and Donald Stuss conducted a follow-up study at the University of Toronto.
For instance, a study Williams conducted found that 80 percent of old computers exported to Peru were refurbished and resold, rather than dismantled.
The University of Cincinatti study conducted tests on a small group of 18 people in their 70s with early signs of memory loss.
In 2006, a quite different study was conducted at Britain's University of Leicester that produced a top 10 list with many of the same countries (BusinessWeek.com, 10/11/06).
The researchers then conducted a follow-up study of more than a million users and found a similar result - when it comes to dating, potential mates stick to someone in their own league.
A study of the Chicago school system conducted for Harvard's Kennedy school found that the more weight given to tests, the more likely alteration becomes.
A new study conducted at the University of Tennessee found that spouses who are forgiven for negative behaviors are more likely to keep repeating them.
In a follow-up study conducted earlier this year, more than half of these children -now teenagers -who had shown signs of distress identified themselves as shy.
But that is the conclusion of a study conducted by Andrea Altieri and his colleagues at the German Cancer Research Centre, in Heidelberg.
We haven't conducted a systematic study of this yet, so what I say is anecdotal for the moment, but there seems to be very widespread agreement about it, ” she says.
A recent study conducted at Duke University illustrated the risk of terbutaline to infants.
The amount of sleep we get can impact our mental health in later life, a study conducted by the University of Londonhas warned.
A study of voter education in Mozambique co-conducted by Oxford University professor Paul Collier says no.
In order to understand the source and mechanism of this quality, a study was conducted to look into the chemical nature of roasted coffee, with respect to its antioxidant properties.
He conducted a fascinating study of successful Wall Street analysts who moved from one firm to another. He discovered that company-switching analysts saw an immediate decline in their performance.
He conducted a fascinating study of successful Wall Street analysts who moved from one firm to another. He discovered that company-switching analysts saw an immediate decline in their performance.