The script USES WLAN tools and utilities to configure device driver parameters like WEP keys and SSIDs.
Device Configuration Assistant, or shortly DCA, is used to add, remove and configure device drivers necessary to boot a machine up.
When first setting up your systems, start from the bottom (the physical layer) as you configure your disk, the device layer, its logical volumes, file systems, and the files and application.
Configure DMMP to support the storage device.
As with any search project, our faceted navigation demo requires that we define content sources and configure a crawler or other device to ingest and index them.
The SCSI commands involve data commands that are used for transferring data from or to SCSI devices and non-data commands that request or set the configure parameters of a SCSI device.
SCSI命令涉及到用于向 SCSI设备传输数据(或从中输出数据)的数据命令,以及用于设置 SCSI 设备的配置参数的非数据命令。
Configure and ensure the boot list is pointing to the standby BOS as the first boot device, as shown in Listing 17.
If an IP was accidentally configured on this physical interface and it was part of a SEA configuration, the SEA may fail to configure as the physical device is already in use.
There are a number of ways to configure MQ in order to send messages to a device queue manager.
The global options set the use of UDP, the UDP port, and configure the name of the virtual device that will be created.
Users require administrator access and a working knowledge of how to configure MDS class switches through the Device Manager GUI.
用户需要具有管理员访问权限并且具有如何通过DeviceManagerGUI 来配置MDS类交换机的应用知识。
We'll go through the steps to configure a DataPower device to do this.
If you want to configure the X Window System for your analog device, you need to install and run the Xautoconfig package like this.
In this article, you learned how to configure a DataPower device to act as a domain gateway from both a client and service provider perspective.
You might then have to configure the Bluetooth chipset on the Linux device to receive and send SCO audio packets over the HCI transport interface rather than the PCM interface.
然后,您可能不得不在Linux设备上配置Bluetooth芯片组,以通过HCI传输接口而不是P CM接口收发sco音频数据分组。
Two Linux projects define a generic WLAN API and provide tools to let user-space applications configure parameters and access information from WLAN device drivers.
Create a portlet project and configure it with a device layout.
In this article, we'll go through the steps to configure a DataPower device to perform that translation.
Or, if you have the wrong set of device drivers installed, running devfsadm might not configure that Fibre Channel adapter you're trying to set up.
If you're building an embedded device that has very specific needs, you can manually configure the contents of your BusyBox with the menuconfig make target.
如果您正在构建一个具有特殊需求的嵌入式设备,那就可以手工使用menuconfig make目标来配置BusyBox的内容。
For example, it's actually quite easy to configure a device, like the Ambient Orb, to change colors if code complexity increases or even if a certain number of coding standards are violated.
例如,实际上可以很容易地配置一个设备(就像Ambient Or b),在代码复杂度有所上升时,或者在违反一定数量的代码标准时,使用该设备改变颜色。
After the disk is allocated, the WPAR administrator runs the CFGMGR command to configure the device in the WPAR environment (this must be done for any device added after the WPAR is created).
To configure Tivoli Access Manager integration with the DataPower device, only a few steps need to be done.
Incidentally, your measurement system is determined by how you configure your DAQ device.
Actually, when you configure a disk as a common paging space device the no_reserve attribute will automatically be set no.
USB Disk Authentication - Configure a USB device to act as a "key" to view encrypted information (it must be plugged into the system for access).
When you configure a particular DAQ device for a particular measurement system type, all your input channels will follow that measurement type.
The Settings screen permits the user to configure a device to a pre-defined zoom level (far, near, medium) or to request the device to auto-fit pages.
Additionally, you need to configure the headset's PIN with BlueZ on the Linux device.
Configure the synchronization process, create the replication store, and define subscriptions and access controls using Mobile Device Administrator Center.
通过使用移动设备管理中心(Mobile Device Administration Center, MDAC)配置同步进程、创建复制存储以及定义订阅和访问控制。