By the 1630s, however, Massachusetts Bay colonists were pushing into the Connecticut River valley.
A town of southwest Massachusetts, a residential suburb of Springfield on the Connecticut River. Population, 15,467.
On a field trip, while everyone else was off looking at the meandering Connecticut River, I wandered off aimlessly down the road.
and no plumbing or furnace in the gambrel-roofed cottage Salinger bought on a 90-acre hillside tract overlooking the Connecticut River.
A city of southwest Massachusetts on the Connecticut River near Springfield. It was founded c. '4 and set off from Springfield in 848. Population, 5', '32.
美国马萨诸塞州西南部城市,位于斯普林菲尔德附近康涅狄格河上。始建于约'4年并于848年从斯普林菲尔德分离出来。人口5 ',' 32。
By Monday, the plant was operating at 23 percent capacity because of limits on the amount of water it could use from the Connecticut River to cool its nuclear core.
A town of western Massachusetts on the Connecticut River north of Springfield. Mainly residential, it is the site of Mount Holyoke College (established 1837). Population, 16,685.
At 11:25 a.m., the explosion ripped through the Kleen Energy Systems LLC natural-gas power plant being built here in a sparse industrial area along the base of the Connecticut River.
上午11点25分,康涅狄格河沿岸工业区在建的Kleen EnergySystemsLLC天然气发电厂发生爆炸。
While the Connecticut River separates Hartford from the neighboring New Hampshire communities of Lebanon and Hanover, Hartford and Windsor County are linked economically to New Hampshire.
While the Connecticut River separates Hartford from the neighboring New Hampshire communities of Lebanon and Hanover, Hartford and Windsor County are linked economically to New Hampshire.