In the United States, however, bowing or any type of submissive body posture is particularly irritating, for it tends to connote undue formality, aristocracy, and a nonverbal denial of egalitarianism.
Used metaphorically, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitual form of expression.
A lot of italics. What does that connote to you?
Negative symptoms generally connote diminished experience.
Some grammatical rules of English connote much pragmatic information.
Some grammatical rules of English connote much pragmatic information.
But does not necessarily connote dishonesty, insincerity, or trickery.
In Japanese, it uses different ways of expression to connote its Chinese meanings.
The beveled folly has openings with various sizes and depths that connote Windows and doors.
More recently, it has come to connote not just those who share a common French cultural inheritance.
In traditional Chinese films, the image is generally designed to connote something else, some larger meaning.
In eastern Europe the Yellow Pages telephone directory is called the Golden Pages to connote an image of quality.
The equality of the right to education has substantial connote, and its central content means equal access to school.
Thus, the word collegiality can connote respect for another's commitment to the common purpose and ability to work toward it.
If those meanings are good, and in particular if they connote trust and prestige, then the brand stands for something valuable.
Its development course from concrete to abstract is arranged and its wishes and joyous (cultural) connote is explained naturally.
But Chinese names invariably connote a long list of ideas and expectations, some even carry the parents' memory of, and metaphor for, life.
From Gao Yong connote the detailing that close the spiritual influence, crazy the magnitude that can have studied that spiritual influence very clearly.
Marx's stipulations on man's nature connote why man is man, the living direction of "sacredness". There is no exception for Marx before and after ripe theoretical period.
Used as metaphor, the juxtaposed terms connote specific or essential traits of the being they refer to, introducing a mode of poetry as an almost habitual form of expression.
If we all have a desire to know,? Doesn't this connote something universal, that all should be free, that all should participate in ruling and being ruled as citizens of a city?
On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts, Venn diagrams, or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.
On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts, Venn diagrams, or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.
On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts , venn diagrams , or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.
On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts , venn diagrams , or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.