And then the author explains the relevant theoretical supports such as constructivism study theories, situated cognition and study.
Detailed treatise of this Constructivism study theories, the teaching mode of the current multi-media teaching and the instructional design mode.
Computer technology is an ideal cognitive tool of realizing constructivism study environment, which is put to good use during all the teaching practices in both China and the world.
This thesis thinks that the educational technology theories, the constructivism study theories and the second language acquisition theories are the theories foundation of the mul...
This thesis thinks that the educational technology theories, the constructivism study theories and the second language acquisition theories are the theories foundation of the multimedia appl.
This article analyses kinds of specific property of the multimedia computer, especially about realizing the constructivism study, and clarifies the view of which is an efficient cognition tool.
The article is mainly to analyze the theory of constructivism, teaching pattern and the contents and steps of teaching plan on the study surrounding of constructivism.
Constructivism is the most popular study theory in the west, and provides us with a new teaching thought and operative model.
Through the further study of cooperative learning theory and constructivism theory, we find that these two theories are complementary to each other.
The paper is to explain the influence of constructivism on the musical teaching, musical study and teaching evaluating, and analyze the important function of constructivism in the practical teaching.
The third part mainly introduces theory of Humanistic Psychology and the Constructivism Theory (CLT), which supports the study in this paper.
The characteristics of mathematics and mathematics study, the historical-genetic principle, constructivism provide the theory support for this research.
The study is based on Humanism, Constructivism, Multi-intelligences and Happy Teaching theories.
CL is a teaching tactic that organizes the students to study in group. It's directed by social psychology, learning psychology and constructivism theory.
The study is set off from constructivism theory, attempt to use constructivism theory guiding the development of high school chemistry textbook.
Therefore, I thought the principle study view of the Constructivism that have the following superiority as the instruction design teaching design: Physiological angle, Carries on the game the need;
Quality study, with its establishment based on post-positivism, criticism, and constructivism, is increasingly prominent in comparative education study.
Project instructional method produced from constructivism learning theory with plenty of subjects is applicable to the study of practical knowledge and skills and strongly operational.
In this study, the basic theory of constructivism as a basis for mining causal link geographically broad things, build the operating system of geographical practice.
This study, in terms of constructivism, is to develop a teaching module of the unit of buoyancy for the physical science used in the junior high schools.
Recently, constructivism that is an important branch of cognition study theory has gradually become popular in western as the development of psychologists' study of human learning process.
From the viewpoint of English teaching practice, this paper mainly discusses the application of the Study Theory of Constructivism in the Basic English instruction.
The theory of constructivism in modern education considers "situation", "cooperation", "conversation" and "significance construction" are the four main factors in study environment.
It states that building study environment of constructivism is very important to foster free exploring spirit and meaning construction ability of the students;
The principles and methods of modern teaching math were raised. The issues based on modern constructivism and fundament: what inherit for a person's study.
The principles and methods of modern teaching math were raised. The issues based on modern constructivism and fundament: what inherit for a person's study.