Consumers are moving away from bundles of domestic, national and international news, opinion, weather reports and TV listings.
And consumers in the second - and third-tier cities like Chengdu and Dalian will move with lightning speed to catch up with international trends.
Increasingly, these networks are involved in cyber crime, which cost consumers billions of dollars annually, while undermining global confidence in the international financial system.
The International Energy Forum, which grew out of a series ofmeetings of energy ministers, is intended to provide a common forum forfossil-fuel producers and consumers.
Meanwhile, the International Energy Agency (IEA), an oil consumers' think-tank, has forecast lower demand growth, both for the rest of this year and for next.
Our role is to help growers to receive the true value of their wool by targeted marketing to manufacturers, retailers and consumers in international markets.
Stride International Wine aims at "love for you, enjoy world! " and strives to bring health and high-end taste to Chinese consumers.
International packaged goods companies have been falling over each other pitching products to affluent Chinese consumers.
Therefore, it is getting more and more important to protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers effectively and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation.
Sinopecs imports the bulk of the crude oil for its refineries at international market prices and sells the refined products to consumers at Beijing-capped prices.
In the law of international consumers rights, the producers' rights of business confidential conflict with the consumers' rights of being in the know.
International character will emerge in competitive relations, relations between consumers and managements, economic relations and enterprise internal relations, etc after joining WTO.
Adivon leaves the consumers the direct impression of generous international franchise pattern, warm and considerate service attitude.
They are young, international urban consumers that will not settle for anything less than the best.
The international cartel, which is formed by multi-national companies, has even more restrictive effects on the global economy and consumers.
Through questionnaire investigation and Regression Analyze, this research has found out the relation between product's consumption value and consumers' choice behavior of international brand.
This is the performance of commercial activities, direct the flow of goods and services companies in several countries, the consumers or users profit international marketing.
Price impact: As Chinese and Indian consumers buy more and more dairy products, demand in international markets is likely to rise putting upward pressure on prices.
Managerial Economics, Management, Business Law, Marketing, Marketing Planning, Market Survey and Prediction, Integral Marketing, International Marketing, Behavior Analysis of Consumers.
Industries could make those products which would meet the demands of international consumers.
A second factor which indicates that international trade flows will slow is the fact that US consumers have increased their savings rate, meaning that they will reduce their spending on imports.
In the past international firms often took a simplistic view that African consumers aspired to a Western lifestyle, says Mr Oved.
Ofta has warned consumers not to buy international call forwarding services which use 8-digit paging Numbers 7xxx XXXX.
电讯管理局警告消费者不要购买使用8位数呼叫号码7xxx XXXX的国际呼叫转接服务。
Sinopec's imports the bulk of the crude oil for its refineries at international market prices and sells the refined products to consumers at Beijing-capped prices.
As the competition in global arena increase, organizations find it important to serve international consumers along with local ones to achieve competitive advantage.
As the competition in global arena increase, organizations find it important to serve international consumers along with local ones to achieve competitive advantage.