In a speech in 2003 he noted that over the preceding year more than 70 contempt-of-court cases had been considered sufficiently serious to warrant investigation by his office.
He faced imprisonment for contempt of court.
Judge Susan Webber Wright found her in contempt of court and sent her to jail for an indefinite period until she agreed to cooperate with the special prosecutor.
The judge's decision sets a precedent for future cases of contempt of court.
If a newspaper breached such an order, it would face heavy fines; its editors could even face jail for contempt of court.
Because of his vigorous behavior during the hearings this week, he has been charged with contempt of court.
Now Mr Chaudhry is out to settle scores with nine senior judges accused of contempt of court for accepting jobs late in Mr Musharraf's rule.
Prisoners may vote if they are doing time for non-payment of fines or, strangely, contempt of court.
Wallace could face jail time following his latest attacks against Facebook. The judge who presided over the case referred Wallace for prosecution for criminal contempt of court.
An absentee juryman or one who attends unfit as a result of alcohol or other drugs is liable to summary proceedings in a magistrates' court as well as to committal for contempt.
Thee judge's decision sets a precedent for future cases of contempt of court.
法官的裁决为未来的藐视法庭案制定了一个先例。 。
The judge threatened to witness with contempt of court if she didn't answer the questions of the prosecuting attorney.
Hiss conduct tending to disregard the judge's order constituted contempt of court.
Judge Hoffman sentenced all the defendants and their counsel to terms of imprisonment for contempt of court.
A defendant who disobeyed could be punished by fine or imprisonment for contempt of court until compliance.
His conduct tending to disregard the judge's order constituted contempt of court.
Shadrake, who will be sentenced next week, faces a possible jail term, a fine or both for contempt of court.
Therefore, it is in contempt of court for Dato 'Seri Zambry Bin Abdul Kadir to claim that he is now still the rightful Menteri Besar of Perak.
It said reports in the Daily Mirror and the Sun about early suspect Christopher Jefferies were in contempt of court.
In a sign of a contempt with which they viewed these proceedings, one of the detainees threw a paper plane at his co-accused when the court once again went into recess.
I was sentenced to five days for contempt of court and now everybody thinks I'm a jail-bird.
When a party disobeys the anti-suit injunction, the court issuing the injunction will usually regard such disobedience as contempt of court.
When a party disobeys the anti-suit injunction, the court issuing the injunction will usually regard such disobedience as contempt of court.