Continence also has a limit, it won't be a virtue if exceeded.
The patients were also asked about continence and the overall degree of satisfaction.
Objective: To observe the effect of sitz bath with continence Chinese herbal fumigant on patients with mixed hemorrhoid surgery.
Mathur and Rani Rasmani began to ascribe the mental ailment of Sri Ramakrishna in part, at least, to his observance of rigid continence.
Randomised or quasi-randomised controlled trials evaluating the effects of interventions designed to promote continence in people after stroke.
Through the use of mild electrical stimulation, the muscles of the pelvic floor can be strengthened to encourage urinary control and continence.
Questionnaire form was designed by consulting the international children 's continence Society (ICCS) definition and standardization in enuresis.
In one 300-patient trial, PFMT with no biofeedback significantly reduced the time to recovery of continence compared with no training, the authors report.
All products in the Wound Care, Ostomy Care and Continence Care areas will be in the new boxes. Urology and Skin Care products will remain in the current boxes.
It becomes a regulator of urination continence and other physiological functions to provide the pharmacotherapy of diseases in urinary and reproductive systems with the theoretical basis.
I was not mature enough, never pay attention to people's livelihood, economic news reporting, but I have a single mature male continence, is you... White skin, long handsome you, dear bin!
It says in paragraph 5: When Paul was entered into the house of Onesiphorus, there was great joy,bowing of knees,breaking of bread, and the word of God concerning continence and the resurrection.
He studied the difference and puzzle between continence, incontinence and temperance in terms of his own moral philosophy, and treated continence and incontinence as a pair of middle character.
He studied the difference and puzzle between continence, incontinence and temperance in terms of his own moral philosophy, and treated continence and incontinence as a pair of middle character.