Never mind that winning an eBay bid is a binding contract and now the guy has little chance of selling the tickets.
Article 8 binding Effect; legal Protection a lawfully formed contract is legally binding on the parties.
Article 8 a contract concluded in accordance with the law is legally binding on the contracting parties.
A service contract is binding on all participants in the interaction, including the service itself and the element that provides it for the particular interaction in question.
In the United States, the contract is a strong binding force for businesses.
An industrial or regional collective contract is binding upon both the employers and workers in the industry or in the region.
If you intend the document to be a legally binding contract, use the word "contract" in the title.
"If you intend the document to be a legally binding contract, use the word" contract "in the title."
A collective contract that has been concluded according to law is binding upon both the employer and the workers.
A Labour contract once concluded in accordance with the law shall possess legal binding force. The parties involved must fulfill the obligations as stipulated in the Labour contract.
The agreement reached between the husband and wife on the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and on the prenuptial property is binding on both parties.
The following signed Contract is a document that is legally binding and enforceable under International Law and ICC Rules and Regulation, including Non Circumvention and Non Disclosure.
A futures contract is binding on both buyer and seller.
A prenup is a legally binding contract that spells out how a couple's assets will be carved up if their marriage fails.
The General Terms and Conditions on the back page constitute part of this Contract and shall be equally binding upon both parties.
No person shall be bound to enter into any contract or binding legal commitment and no monies or other form of consideration is to be accepted on the basis of this Preliminary Prospectus.
If any other clause in this contract is in conflict with the supplementary conditions the supplementary conditions should be taken as final and binding.
A contract is a mutually binding agreement that obligates the Seller to provide the specified product or service or Result and obligates the Buyer to pay for it.
This Contract is made for the benefit of the Parties hereto and their respective lawful successors and assignees and is legally binding on them.
The whole of the contract must be beneficial before it can be regarded as binding on minor.
The whole of the contract must be beneficial before it can be regarded as binding on the minor.
Otherwise the contract will not be legally binding on the unit delegating the authority.
The Schedules a nd Annexes hereto are made an integral part of this Contract a nd are equally binding with the main body of the Contract.
Personal insurance contract validation means that the personal insurance contract has a legal binding on both parties.
Until a formal contract is prepared and executed, this Bid, together with your written acceptance thereof in your Notification of Award, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
A labor contract concluded according to the law shall have a binding force. The employer and the employee shall perform the obligations as stipulated in the labor contract.
A labor contract concluded according to the law shall have a binding force. The employer and the employee shall perform the obligations as stipulated in the labor contract.