CNVCOF specifies the convection coefficient which is used in determining convection heat transfer.
We also analyzed the relationship between the junction temperature with LED heat power and the convection coefficient.
The coefficients in the equilibrium distribution are determined by the convection coefficient and the diffusion coefficient.
The test results indicate that there is linear relationship between surface convection coefficient of concrete and wind velocity.
When temperatures lie within the specified data range, linear interpolation is used to determine the convection coefficient. When.
To choose the proper correlation for convection coefficient is very important in modeling the temperature field in a cold-start Automotive Catalytic Converter.
However, the more consummately method should confirm the convection coefficient of heat-side and cold-side liquid, so as to find out the problem and to ameliorate it.
Using alternating segment explicit implicit method for the variable coefficient convection diffusion equation. The method has the obvious property of parallelism and is unconditionally stable.
Heat-transfer coefficient, heat resistivity, heat conductivity, heat exchanger, heating convection, heat conduction, heat radiation, heat convection exchange.
The convection heat transfer coefficient of coolant within the grinding zone has been estimated using hydrodynamic and thermal modeling.
This makes the convective heat transfer coefficient of the stainless steel tube is larger than that of the convection heat transfer coefficient of the copper tube.
The coefficient of convection heat transfer increases with increasing the particle diameters.
Local convection heat transfer coefficient decreases along the micro-tube by 12.5% for the influence of thermal conductivity of liquid nitrogen.
General heat release coefficient is used to equivalently consider autoclave radiation and convection of boundary condition during curing process for CFRP pressure vessel.
The coefficient can be indicative of the material abrasion resistance properly and directly used to calculate the safety gas velocity in the convection heating surface of coal-fired boilers.
Convection heat exchange coefficient, stack size and porosity's influence to the highest temperature in porous media are also discussed in this paper.
计算表明,单基弹药内部最高温度比双基内部最高温度上升的快。 讨论了对流换热系数、堆积尺寸、孔隙率等对弹药内部最高温度的影响。
The study is about the coefficient of heat transfer of convection in the stage of Constant rate of drying with the ways of dimensional analysis and the experiments.
Method and formulae for calculating the mean forced convection heat-transfer coefficient of the blade surface, as well as for the blade passage's bottom wall, are introduced.
As a result, heat dissipating capacity, metal thermal intensity and free convection heat transfer coefficient of the longitudinal closed finned tube are higher than those of the open finned tube.
The results showed that the intensity distribution had relation with the velocity of percolation, time, coefficient of convection and diffusion.
Try to make the cold, hot water flow passage of convection heat transfer coefficient is equal or close to, to get the best heat transfer effect.
By using the undetermined coefficient method, a new scheme is derived from the HAUC2 scheme to simulate the two dimensional convection-diffusion equation.
By using the undetermined coefficient method, a new scheme is derived from the HAUC2 scheme to simulate the two dimensional convection-diffusion equation.