Dual fluid encapsulating compound machine, automatic glue machine, filling demagnetization power supply, fixture coil and water cooling system.
It becomes a noticeable problem gradually How to control in reason the oxygen lance cooling-water supply system, making it work always in the best economy energy.
The modification of industrial cooling water system and the utilization of cooling water are introduced, which can relax the shortage of water supply resulting in good water saving effect.
The experiment equipment has four major components that is Chilled-water Refrigeration System, cooling water system, chilled water system, supply and return duct systems.
An unlimited backup water supply, essential raw cooling water system (or called service water system) is supplied to the auxiliary feedwater system.
Since the essential raw cooling water system supplies poor quality water, it is not used except in emergency when the condensate supply is unavailable.
It has been reused to pour park, wash chicken and pig farm, etc. in 1992. It is going to be reused to wash toilet and automobiles, to supply spraying and cooling water system in the further.
It has been reused to pour park, wash chicken and pig farm, etc. in 1992. It is going to be reused to wash toilet and automobiles, to supply spraying and cooling water system in the further.