Over 20 countries and regions have carbon neutrality goals.
There will be many pavilions from different countries and regions.
More than 120 countries and regions are using the Beidou system.
Lots of countries and regions are taking action to ban the sale of such bags to stop people using them.
Since more countries and regions have been infected by the virus, more and more people came to realize how proper and important China's control and prevention measures are.
Today his hobby has developed into the website postcrossing.com, a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago.
如今,他的这个爱好已经发展成了 Postcrossing.com 这个社交网站,自从10年前他创建这个网站以来,已经有来自214个国家和地区的575217名注册用户。
A lot of countries and regions around the world have issued e-passports.
So why are Danish peopleso much happier than people of other countries and regions?
The athletes from 204 countries and regions also expressed satisfaction with the Games.
During the crisis, IFC maintained its strategic focus on the poorest countries and regions.
The interdependence of countries and regions means that new formats of dialogue will appear.
As the report reveals, health problems in women vary considerably across countries and regions.
The ministry has reported the case to the World Health Organization and relevant countries and regions.
Rural infrastructure tends to be least developed in countries and regions with the highest levels of hunger.
The actual investment made by the said ten countries and regions accounted for 91.3% of the country's total.
The world today is home to over200 countries and regions, more than 2,500 ethnic groups and 6,000-plus languages.
Countries and regions all over the world face the challenge of urbanization. How can we respond to this challenge?
This May, Member States voted to allocate 75% of our resources to activities in countries and regions in 2006-2007.
今年5月,会员国一致同意在2006 - 2007年将75%的资金用于国家和区域的活动。
At the global level, there is enough water available, but some countries and regions will face serious water shortages.
There were nearly 800 business leaders and entrepreneurs from East Asian countries and regions present at the Dialogue.
One is the increase in overall liquidity as new countries and regions become integrated into the global financial system.
As of February 23, 2008, Dengfeng Street to reach the outside of the registered 1706, involving 83 countries and regions.
The Village will accommodate more than 16000 athletes and officials from over 200 countries and regions during the Games.
The largest annual China International Travel Mart kicked off Thursday in Kunming, with 94 countries and regions attending.
19日,2009中国国际旅交会在昆明拉开帷幕。 本届参展国家和地区达94个,规模创历史新高。
Doraemon's cartoon series has been translated into over 30 languages and still enjoys popularity in many countries and regions.
Our detailed analysis, conducted in 21 countries and regions over two years, suggests that every region and sector must play its part.
Our detailed analysis, conducted in 21 countries and regions over two years, suggests that every region and sector must play its part.