EVEN in a country as used to natural disasters as Indonesia, the chaos and the loss of life wreaked by the eruption of Mount Merapi has caused shock.
But few who have experienced the contagion of chaos can argue that any country in Europe can seal itself off from the sometimes violent winds of change blowing through the whole continent.
Many Iraqis have also been kidnapped, mostly for ransom, amid the chaos and lawlessness that swept the country in the aftermath of the invasion.
The chaos was all the more shocking to Chileans because they like to think of their country as the best-organised in Latin America.
At the end, Mubarak took pride in the claim that he would not quit the land, would not give up his country to chaos.
He said before the so-called troop surge, the fight in Iraq was faltering, and extremists were succeeding in their efforts to plunge the country into chaos.
In the end, I would like to say that the country belongs to us. Chaos will not disturb the enemy, but it will disturb ourselves.
The measure has triggered confusion and chaos across the country and drawn concern and criticism from across the world. Similar protests have erupted at airports in many other cities.
However, the exterior environment of modern commercial building in our country is in such a sorrow situation as traffic chaos, boring space and lack of environment facilities, etc.
However, the exterior environment of modern commercial building in our country is in such a sorrow situation as traffic chaos, boring space and lack of environment facilities, etc.