The contributing factors and countermeasures of current courses offered for 7 higher vocational colleges of traditional Chinese medicine in China by adopting the five-year consistent system.
If one considers the various courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to him.
Teachers can find practice problems, suggested readings, and supplementary assignments for most courses offered by Highlights for High School.
To be sure, the quality of the courses offered by for-profit colleges are generally are not so high.
The two of them were passing through and offered to host us for an elaborate prix-fixe celebratory supper: many courses, much Champagne.
The Ukrainians will be offered free housing, language courses and school places for their children for six months.
Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs.
Senior courses are offered for children 11 or older or require special skills (e. g. robotics).
The maintenance of academic standards is of paramount importance for validated courses, as it is for courses offered within Wales.
With the conception of a university as point of departure, the dialogue explores the mode of education for first-class gtaduates, the courses to be offered, and curriculum designing.
As for teaching contents and curricular system, comprehensive, successively, multi-directional and elastic courses should be offered and the structure of...
ISSA courses are offered through both independent study and weekend seminars. All courses are self-paced, allowing for individual differences in learning abilities.
The courses offered at UNLV Singapore are expected to add to the options available for students who wish to join the tourism industry.
The wine is an ideal accompaniment for sea-food dishes and all pasta courses; it can also be offered as a very pleasant aperitif.
The wine is an ideal accompaniment for sea-food dishes and all pasta courses; it can also be offered as a very pleasant aperitif.