When I saw some man full of desire for court favor, wasting his time at court meetings.
There will probably be months of legal tussling, and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court, nor in the battle for public opinion and legislative favor.
There will probably be months of legal confrontation, and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court, nor in the battle for public opinion and legislative favor.
The court ruled in favor of a suit filed in June by researchers who said human embryonic stem cell research involves the destruction of human embryos.
The Crowninshield brothers were the disreputable scions of an eminent Salem family. Richard, according to court transcripts, was known to favor Salem’s “haunts of vice.”
They also say they hope the court ruling in their favor may deter other big companies tempted to bully a start-up, as they say Corbis did.
Attorneys go to court and say, 'Following the logic of these laws, we think that you ought to find in favor of our client in this particular new twist.' and that's exactly what's happened.
Rasmussen dismissed the possibility of Ciolonel Gadhafi stepping down in favor of his son, Seif al-Islam, pointing to a new International Criminal Court arrest warrant against both men.
The brothers' decision to bury the hatchet comes two weeks after India's Supreme Court ruled in Mukesh's favor in a dispute over gas pricing.
The grand duke was delighted and bestowed the favor of the court on the prodigy.
Chakrabarty appealed, and in 1980 the Supreme Court ruled in his favor, 5–4, creating a brand-new sector of intellectual property: life.
When the days of mourning had passed, Jpseph said to Pharaoh's court, "If I have found favor in your eyes, speak to Pharaoh for me. Tell him
Bilski, the ABA Journal reports, continues the trend of recent Supreme Court patent decisions, which eschew bright-line tests in favor of flexible standards.
Since no one witnessed the event, a local court ruled in her favor and Peng was ordered to pay her 40,000 yuan ($6,255) in compensation.
The court also granted a summary judgment in favor of Amgen on certain Roche defenses.
When people did challenge a company's business conduct, I mean, I mean, in court cases, well, the few laws that did exist were usually interpreted in favor of business interests.
Obtained verdict & judgment in favor of plaintiff by a 12-person jury trial of a personal injury case in an Illinois court.
The agency is hoping the Supreme Court will eventually take up the case and issue a precedent-setting decision in its favor.
While we do need to defend their actions in court, we do not have to argue in favor of those overseas Chinese people who acted beyond the tolerance of the laws.
In a lawsuit filed by the Duarte club in 1983, the California Superior Court ruled in favor of Rotary International, upholding gender-based qualification for membership in California Rotary clubs.
If the person refuses, the interested party needs to get people's court or arbitration commission's adjudication which is in favor of him.
If the Ohio Supreme Court rules in his favor, Mr. Sheppard said, "I think today's news will be a rather profound statement."
The case made the whole society and the media attention, after two court hearings, the plaintiff's favor and eventually end.
The case made the whole society and the media attention, after two court hearings, the plaintiff's favor and eventually end.