First, per Hayek and supported by Rothbard, stop the credit creation and inflation.
The genesis of a recession is caused by excessive credit creation on the part of Banks and the Fed.
Meanwhile, the shadow banking system was as important for credit creation as Banks in recent years.
Based on this, we can lay a solid foundation for the interaction mechanism of credit creation and financial virtualization.
Based on this, we can lay a solid foundation for the interaction mechanism of credit creation and financial virtualization.
Inequality occasionally rises with credit creation, as in America in the late 1920s and during the years before the 2008 crisis.
The U.S. and global financial systems require credit creation and foreclosure prevention, not bank nationalization as currently contemplated by some.
Analyzing from the money supply Angle, we think that the spread of electronic currency will influence the credit creation and make the money multiplier rising.
Thanks to China's largely effective capital controls, the amount of net financial inflows (called "hot money" in China) is actually very low compared to domestic credit creation.
As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky. "You deny my existence for all these years, teach others I don't exist and even credit creation to cosmic accident."
Loading Banks with equity slows the creation of credit, but the reward for a healthy financial system is faster growth over the long term.
After a period of record new loan creation, issuance is easing as the front-loading of new lending runs its course and Banks become more mindful of credit risk.
She also called for the creation of a European credit rating agency to rival large, private companies that rate the credit of companies and countries for investors.
In more regulated times, credit controls or the gold standard restricted the creation of credit.
For the creation of the credit approval service, we will explore the aspects of top-down development. The general high level steps in our top-down development process are.
A host of measures, from the value of the stock market to the creation of credit, are now nearly back to their level before the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September last year.
As the world's most successful investment bank, Goldman was involved in many of the practices that led to the credit crunch - such as the creation of "toxic" mortgage-backed securities.
Ben Bernanke hopes quantitative easing will increase the flow of credit to the domestic economy and stimulate job creation.
Obama is likely to recommend creation a financial services consumer protection body with oversight powers over mortgages and credit CARDS and other consumer financial products.
The creation of one out of three jobs that was awarded the credit then was attributed directly to the policy.
We would like to encourage CBRC to promulgate a regulation that would foster the creation of credit card companies on a similar model as those used in Europe.
Legal issues contributed to the creation of the public credit registry in approximately half of the countries - and legal issues are still pending in about half the countries with public registries.
At the end, the author also analyzed the effects of purchase on credit upon the enterprise value, including the strategies of enhancing value creation.
The MBA is a 41 credit hour program organized around three principle components: Value Creation Core (17 credits), Concentration Electives (15 credits), and Integrated Advanced Core (9 credits)…
This paper starts from the points of both theory and practice to analyze value-creation-based business credit management system.
The link-up between credit fund and stock market fund is rational if the former is not related to the creation mechanism of bank credit.
The link-up between credit fund and stock market fund is rational if the former is not related to the creation mechanism of bank credit.