Chen, head of China buyer research at Credit Suisse, told South China Morning Post in March.
Credit Suisse has declined to comment.
Yet the changes at Credit Suisse still seem rather cosmetic.
Mr Dougan says that Credit Suisse will have a “first mover advantage”.
It follows similar moves from Credit Suisse and Royal Bank of Scotland.
Credit funds were up by a mere 0.2% in June, according to Credit Suisse.
Profit at Credit Suisse also slumped, by half, and it too announced lay-offs.
The two airlines were raised to “outperform” from “neutral” at Credit Suisse.
Credit Suisse has suspended a number of traders in connection with the writedown.
Porsche se paced advancing shares as Credit Suisse Group AG recommended the carmaker.
Another Swiss bank, Credit Suisse, is also in the spotlight after a bond trader left under a cloud.
另外一家瑞士银行,瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)在一位债券交易人员因失宠离开以后也备受关注。
Analysts at Credit Suisse reckon that British Banks have increased their balance-sheets since June.
Air France-KLM Group and Deutsche Lufthansa AG climbed as Credit Suisse Group AG upgraded the airlines.
法国航空公司(air France - KLM)和德国汉莎航空公司(Lufthansa)股价均上涨,此前瑞士信贷集团上调了两家公司的股票评级。
Even the Swiss private Banks — Credit Suisse (CS) and UBS (UBS) — are more asset-management companies.
即便是瑞士私人银行瑞信(Credit Suisse)和瑞银(ubs),也看起来更像是资产管理公司。
Little Switzerland, home to many global firms such as nestle, UBS and Credit Suisse, tops even America.
小小的瑞士,是许多全球公司如nestle,UBS和Credit Suisse的发源地,甚至多过了美国。
Credit Suisse Securities was the sole global coordinator and acted as joint book-runners with Goldman Sachs.
Mr. Bergantino, a citizen and resident of Switzerland, worked for Credit Suisse from about 1982 to 2009.
Its current financial troubles stem largely from a $375 million loan provided by Credit Suisse Group in 2005.
该俱乐部目前的财务困难主要源自瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse Group) 2005年提供的一笔3.75亿美元贷款。
Cheung Kong, UC Rusal and the listing's joint sponsors BNP Paribas and Credit Suisse declined to comment.
长江实业、俄铝及其联合保荐人——瑞信(Credit Suisse)和法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)均拒绝置评。
'The [bond] market is clearly closed,' said Tim o 'hara, who heads credit underwriting at credit Suisse Group.
瑞士信贷集团(Credit Suisse Group)信贷承销业务负责人奥哈拉(Timo'Hara)说,债券市场显然已经关闭了。
Some, like Credit Suisse, offer around six months' salary to new employees who agree to start a year later.
Hedge funds flooded Credit Suisse Group's brokerage unit with requests to take over trades opposite Bear Stearns.
对冲基金也请求瑞士信贷(Credit SuisseGroup)能接管自己与贝尔斯登的交易,这些请求几乎淹没的瑞信的经纪部门。
Analysts at Credit Suisse reckon European Banks' profits in 2012 could fall by 37% because of proposed regulation.
Credit Suisse limited gains after the Swiss bank posted profit and trading revenue that missed analysts' estimates.
瑞士信贷银行(Credit Suisse)股价下跌,此前改行公布利润和营业收入均低于分析师预期。
In April, Credit Suisse forecast that one-third of all export-oriented manufacturers could close within three years.
Those of other banks that emerged relatively unscathed, such as JPMorgan and Credit Suisse, convened much less often.
Nestled into the sharp tip at the top, Credit Suisse reckons there are about 1,000 dollar billionaires (see chart 1).
尖端中的尖端——按瑞士信贷的说法——是大约1 000名十亿美元富豪。
The Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests caution in doing a 'sum-of-states series,' the Credit Suisse economists warn.
Ericsson jumped 3.2 percent to 76.9 kronor after Credit Suisse reiterated its "overweight" recommendation for the shares.
Ericsson jumped 3.2 percent to 76.9 kronor after Credit Suisse reiterated its "overweight" recommendation for the shares.