He is also the first who has come to the job having said that business faces a "crisis of legitimacy" and that business education is at an "inflection point".
Still, they respond, however incoherently, to a profound crisis of legitimacy afflicting their country's highest institutions, and their supposed watchdog, the media.
To look for the basis of legitimacy of modern administration, the unitary administration model must be abandoned and a new administration model must be found to conquer the crisis of legitimacy.
The analytic framework of the theory of legitimacy is composed of the essence and basis of legitimacy, and also the formation, performance and countermeasure of legitimacy crisis.
As a modern product, the End of art is related to the artistic crisis of the institutional legitimacy.
At the in-depth level, the legitimacy crisis of the private non-corporate organizations is closely related to its legitimacy as a system.
At the in-depth level, the legitimacy crisis of the private non-corporate organizations is closely related to its legitimacy as a system.