Application of this model to document retrieval is discussed which includes two aspects: navigating browse and criteria query based on semantic similarity calculation.
Except for performance concerns, there is another important reason: if the query criteria is not contained in the input message of the process, you cannot filter the instances with the input message.
It's important to note that if invoked without any criteria, the query in listing 6 will return all approved and valid listings, ordered by date.
If you want to retrieve all the results that satisfy the query criteria, do not set these properties.
When you develop a business process client program, you often need to query process instances, activities, and tasks within a certain process instance by certain business data criteria.
This will return any policy attachments satisfying the query criteria right in the browser window.
Query parameters are usually meant to provide input to a service, such as filtering criteria, sorting, and other business level details.
This makes the criteria for deciding if you should normalize data straightforward: Never normalize data such that a supported query will need to perform a join operation to select records.
The input parameters or criteria for the query.
By doing so, the client is already assuming that the endpoint must be determined at runtime (late binding) and can include their subscription level in the criteria of the UDDI query.
You can set one or more query criteria to limit the results of the query.
Or the query string in a request URI includes a set of parameters that defines the search criteria used by the server to find a set of matching resources.
The search criteria are used to build a database query in the facade EJB (again, simplified for readability) as shown in Listing 20.
在外观e JB中使用搜索条件构建数据库查询,参见清单20(同样为了可读性做了简化)。
Upon completion of the query a result set is returned containing all of the records that met the selection criteria.
The Criteria API enables a programmatic construction of queries using an object-based query graph.
The Criteria API is also a mechanism for building queries programmatically and so is often referred to as a dynamic query API.
CriteriaAPI还是以编程的方式构建查询的机制,因此通常被称为动态查询 API。
Where: Specifies criteria for filtering query results?
The Criteria API is utilized to define a query to select all entries where the Address's state attribute is either "NY" or "ri."
Zend_Gdata automatically URL-encodes the filter criteria when transmitting the query to the data API server.
Query expressions are the core units or nodes that are assembled in a tree to specify a CriteriaQuery. Figure 1 shows the hierarchy of query expressions defined in the Criteria API.
The executives may run this type of query frequently, sometimes adding more filtering criteria on the column City or SUM_SALES.
value in allows the application to pass the query criteria back to the <g:paginate> tag.
在 内存储 params.id值将允许应用程序将此查询条件传递回 <g:paginate> 标记。
The KDE Trader, a facility provided by the KDE libraries, offers a way to query the installed service files to find which services match the criteria given by the application.
Implicitly, the OODBMS has recognized that the query is constrained explicitly by the subtype Employee, and has only selected those objects that fit that criteria for return.
Notice how changing the type of the Predicate passed in the query call can change the type criteria implicitly selected, shown in Listing 8.
When you model human tasks in the IBM WebSphere Integration Developer task editor, you can select from a set of predefined staff query verbs, also known as people assignment criteria.
You can add additional search criteria if needed for your installation. The WebSphere Service Registry and Repository query is activated in the named query using these parameters.
So far you've seen how to query for individual objects, or objects that meet a particular criteria.
Using Technorati you can query for blog articles based on a specific set of criteria.
Using Technorati you can query for blog articles based on a specific set of criteria.