You also need to install a 64-bit cross-compiler if one is not installed.
您还需要安装一个64位交叉编译器(cross - compiler),如果原来没有安装的话。
You may also need to configure a cross-compiler to generate the binaries you intend to test.
You may use either a native compiler running under the emulator or a cross-compiler on your host.
You could even set up a cross-compiler and related tools and poke around in a little more detail.
Then it introduces the developing background and architecture of the cross-compiler system, ZLTCG.
The compiler most people use is GCC, which can be a little daunting to set up (particularly as a cross-compiler) if you have never done this before.
Setting up a cross-compiler toolchain from scratch is not an easy task: it involves downloading the sources, patching, configuring, compiling, setting up headers, installation, and much, much more.
The platform has its own compiler and runtime in order to avoid intermediary libraries that might slow it down and to generate cross platform binaries that can run on multiple systems.
The problem with using GCC was that for every target OS or architecture we would need a separate cross compiler.
This is especially pernicious for cross-compiling, since you probably can't run an executable actually created with the cross compiler.
We needed a portable cross-platform, architecture compiler system that would allow us to develop code on one OS or architecture and deploy it on another with out recompiling.
Do a good job of cross compiler tool chain , the script with the patch set for the compiler to set up their own environment do not want to use.
Cross compilation between 32-bit and 64-bit is not supported when you use the License Compiler when building your project.
Cross compilation between 32-bit and 64-bit is not supported when you use the License Compiler when building your project.