The child was very careful to pick out his football so as not to crush down any vegetables in my garden.
If you want to get oil, crush the oil from the olives that come down from the trees, that's a nasty smell that it has.
A lot of our competitors did a lot of those deals and when the end came, and attack crush happened, all of that was worthless stuff, and it got written down.
Most of us are so tuned into the next thing on our to-do list and the general crush of daily obligations that we shut down our antennae for new information, especially scary information.
Ignoring a girl to knock down her social value - when she already has low social value to begin with - could crush her ego.
无视女孩,降低他们的社交价值- - -当她们一开始便只有低价值的时候会摧毁她们的自尊。
For younger children, a dictee to test spelling is marked by pro GREssively deducting points for every error, which can crush the grade down to zero, or even into negative territory.
Drag him down, and crush him to atoms, that the place which knows him may know him no more!
The slightest whiff of anything and you move in. Shake 'em down, crush 'em before they even start to grow.
一有动静你们就行动。 不等他们动手就先打倒他们、干掉他们。
She has a crush on her handsome, rich boss, but refuses to bow down to him.
She has a crush on her handsome, rich boss, but refuses to bow down to him.