For 50, 000 years of human cultural evolution it didn't happen.
It is not only a cultural evolution, but also a market conception and business style change.
Based on the Darwinism, the memetics is a new theory to explain the laws of cultural evolution.
In the cultural evolution of the 20th century, women gradually awaken in the encounter with modernity.
The second part is mainly to analyze the academic atmosphere of the Academy and its cultural evolution.
Cultural evolution clearly happens, but it's difficult to study with the formal rigor of biological evolution.
That’s why people tend to return to web sites theyenjoy. Csikszentmihalyi wrote this about flow and cultural evolution
Sadly for a reader, a brief overview of factory workers is not the best way to gauge the cultural evolution of a huge nation.
The authors say it's one of the most complex and rapid patterns of cultural evolution across a region ever observed in a nonhuman species.
Exchange and specialization are what makes cultural evolution happen, and the Internet's capacity for encouraging exchange encourages specialization too.
"We can't rule out the possibility that there was culture-gene interaction, but all the variation we see could be explained by plain cultural evolution," Henrich said.
Meme, first coined by Richard Dawkins of the University of Oxford in 1976 in his best-selling book The Selfish Gene, is a new theory explaining the cultural evolution.
A human being is a double offspring with biological evolution and cultural evolution. And he is a species which has both biological and cultural attribute on the earth.
Therefore, contemporary building technology derives from a rich historical and cultural evolution of technique and form that augments the ability to design intelligently.
Abstract: : Modern architecture is an important witness of the historical and cultural evolution of a city, and is also the foundation of the history and culture of the city.
This framework depicts cultural evolution as a process of dual inheritance from both a micro-evolutionary level(population space) and a macro-evolutionary level(belief space).
What's more important, man, through a conscious cultural evolution, can constantly realize his own transcendence and maximize the reasonability of his cultural existential form.
There are some components in materialism of "cultural evolution" in west fashionably, as a theory of cultural materialism, which could be criticized in studies of Chinese regional culture.
The ritual cultural evolution of the Olympic torch relay has raised the four stages of the evolution of ceremonies and cultural history and the historical evolution of the Olympic torch relay.
The social science middle-ground, lately known as sociobiology, claims that we learn at least some specific cultural behaviors on the basis of biological need and evolution.
It is a cultural deprivation not to appreciate the wonderful panorama offered by modern cosmology, DNA and Darwinian evolution.
Ultimately, the evolution of the meritocracy itself appears to be at least partly responsible for the growing cultural gulf between highly educated Americans and the rest of society.
In Africa, the Ngorongoro natural park in Tanzania entered the list as a cultural treasure "because of the extraordinary record of human evolution at the site," UNESCO said.
There are profound economic, social and cultural background behind the establishment and evolution of trademark's function.
Western festival with the evolution of cultural fusion of Chinese folk, difficult to reach the prediction result is good.
Just as gene is indispensable to heredity, meme is found inseparable from cultural transmission and evolution.
His theory advocated the modern ideas of humanity, evolution and cultural combination to keep up with the trend of modern times, was the origin of modern literary theory.
His theory advocated the modern ideas of humanity, evolution and cultural combination to keep up with the trend of modern times, was the origin of modern literary theory.