As a result, some native code in the current stack frame is now out of date, that is, stale.
Displays the code for the current stack frame, highlighting the line that is about to be executed.
The expression is evaluated in the context of the current stack frame, and the results are displayed in the Expressions view of display window.
Next, the current stack frame pointer is stored as the back pointer for the next stack frame, even though you haven't established the stack frame yet (this is done through negative offsets).
This object must have a method called run(), which is executed by the runtime once the current frame in the call stack is specially marked as described above.
这个对象必须有一个名为run() 的方法,在调用堆栈中的当前帧特别做了如上所述的标记时,由运行时执行这个方法。
This buffer displays the call stack, with the current frame displayed in inverse video.
This buffer displays the call stack, with the current frame displayed in inverse video.