The principal differences between the two calculations are that they use different models, and made different assumptions about what countries will do after their current targets expire, said Jones.
The situation is the most dire in Africa, where many countries will not reach the targets at the current rate of progress.
Germany and most southern European countries will exceed their targets if they keep building windmills at the current pace, so analysts at HSBC predict cuts in clean-energy subsidies.
To my surprise, the 12-month price targets neatly bracketed the stock's current price.
Firstly, China's current foreign exchange management system mainly targets at capital item, under which, deviant capital either inflows or detours.
Demographic weighting targets are based on the March 2010 Current population Survey figures for the aged 18 and older non-institutionalized population living in continental U.S. telephone households.
Demographic weighting targets are based on the March 2010 Current population Survey figures for the aged 18 and older non-institutionalized population living in continental U. s. telephone households.
He told the Financial Times that one of his prime targets was freeloading by current and former executives of the airline, many of whom claimed free first class seats as a matter of course.
Explicit current-account targets have their shortcomings, not least that policymakers can influence them only indirectly.
The current five-year plan, which contains few other numerical targets, envisages a 10% reduction in concentrations of the worst air pollutants and a 20% increase in energy efficiency over the period.
In its current incarnation, the bill calls for a 17% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions below 2005 levels by 2020 - which is much lower than the European Union's targets.
Those targets are much more aggressive than the current long-range goal for the US fleet to average 35 MPG by 2020, a 40 percent increase over today's performance.
This involves altering the behavior of the links labeled log in and check out as guest so that they load their targets via Ajax inside the current TAB.
这包括更改标签为log in和checkoutasguest的两个链接的行为,以便它们通过Ajax在当前选项卡中加载它们的目标页面。
But the report investigates how practical these targets are to reach and concludes that they cannot be met with the current approaches to cutting carbon.
The current version is limited to HTML, which is reasonable given that XM targets webmasters.
Manage the purchasing pipeline, develop timely purchasing actions in support of current and new programs and meeting cost targets and timing.
The lead of the optoelectronic sight is a lead value of weapon hitting points relative to target current points in pitch and azimuth on the case of hitting moving targets.
The information shall use for for current and future projects of a similar nature, targets for product quality, life, reliability, durability, maintainability , timing and cost.
A method to calculate quickly the real values of the range, azimuth and elevation of targets are given for current radar tests.
With optimization and restricted targets, it uses the means of linear quadratic optimal control to get the current controller output.
Two apparent Liverpool striking targets have played down talk of a move to Anfield to stay at their current clubs.
The reality is that Germany and China will not accept the idea launched by US Treasury secretary Tim Geithner last year, of setting quantitative targets for countries' current accounts.
Although that node targets the topology of a standard voltage regulator, the op amp matches it to the much smaller current-sense voltage and the slightly different topology of a current regulator.
Rsg targets the modern, progressive afrikaans - speaking community and offers news, current affairs, sport, lifestyle, education and music , alles in een - sonder grense.
Most of the current OFDMA resource allocation algorithms targets on the spectrum utilization improvement in single system without considering the resource sharing for multisystem in the same area.
Most of the current OFDMA resource allocation algorithms targets on the spectrum utilization improvement in single system without considering the resource sharing for multisystem in the same area.