He can't run in the halls, cut in line, call out, or swing his paintbrush around.
In one case study that I read in college (but, sadly, couldn't find to link to here), one experiment had people ask if they could cut in line.
The place that takes a shower( welcome everyone's crest) the Sir to return to that year to cut in line calls on the old friend, just getting off a guest house that he lived into the town.
Instead, Spain must achieve "internal devaluation" : it must cut wages and prices until its costs are back in line with its neighbors.
Moves to cut carbon emissions in line with international targets have come under renewed strain since the nuclear crisis in Japan led some countries to shelve plans to use the technology.
In future, annuity rates for men-the main buyers of the product-will have to be cut, perhaps by 5%, to bring them in line with rates for women.
And we have announced our intention to cut our emissions in the range of 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020 and ultimately in line with final climate and energy legislation.
First, we have announced our intention to cut our emissions in the range of 17 percent below 2005 levels in 2020 and ultimately in line with final climate and energy legislation.
Be careful if you cut and paste this code as there may appear some hidden HTML content in your XML file, especially at line breaks that cause trouble not easy to retrieve.
Two primary features distinguish the White Bridesmaid Dresses from day dresses. The first feature is the cut. The cut is invariably in line with the latest fashions.
Bank of America Merrill Lynch has cut its full-year forecast to 1.7% and is predicting 2.3% for 2012, barely in line with trend.
The cut is invariably in line with the latest fashions.
My personal preference is for small sharp scissors – all the layers of skin and cartilage can be cut in a neat straight line with just two firm snips.
Expedia Australia and Zuji announced the cut in fees in line with the us, where all the major online travel agents have reduced or eliminated booking fees on some product lines.
A cut would bring the bank in line with its major peers, but Trichet so far has preferred to stand firm against inflation despite the uncertainty that has exploded in markets in the past three weeks.
Listing 16 USES cut to separate the two columns of text2 and then USES a space as an output delimiter, which is an exotic way of converting the TAB in each line to a space.
The teacher beside the lunch line saw Imes cut in, and she sent him back to wait his turn.
The time is coming when I will cut short your strength and the strength of your father's house, so that there will not be an old man in your family line.
Suffredini says the space station will cut power to the new section in hopes it will help bring the Russian computer systems back on line.
The old man shivered in the cold that came after sunset. When something took one of his remaining baits, he cut the line with his sheath knife.
日落之后,寒意袭人,老人冷得发抖。当他剩下的鱼饵中有一块被咬住时,他就用自己那把带鞘的刀把钓丝给割断了。 。
Managers of both care about the bottom line, but the incentive to cut costs is sharper in private prisons, because the profits flow into the pockets of owners who benefit directly.
Managers of both care about the bottom line, but the incentive to cut costs is sharper in private prisons, because the profits flow into the pockets of owners who benefit directly.