Draw the shape of a stocking on a piece of card and cut it out to make a template.
John and Jean were arguing, so their fat her told them to cut it out or go to bed.
Daniel: Cut it out. Look at my smile, and it seems like the flowers in the spring. Right?
Thepoliceman pondered over: You seized the chance to escape last time like so. Hum, Cut it out.
But you have to cut it out of them, you know; you don't take a Bob if you just sit and look at them.
If you do that again, I'll get ready angry. I've already told you twice to stop, now just cut it out!
Some doctors are still caught up in the old model of nuke it and cut it out—and sometimes it is really not necessary....
But this notion of when something is toxic, something is not right for the patient, the strategy really is to cut it out.
I'm like... "Cut it out!" -so they want to be photographed, but... -oh, 'cause they like the idea of being on TV, you know?
The activation record isn't needed anymore, so we are going to cut it out and redirect the tail-called function back to the function that called us.
再也不需要活动记录(activation record),所以我们将删掉它,并将尾部调用的函数重定向返回到调用我们的函数。
Batu was called upon to prove consistency in delivering performance that will cut it out as a blue chip, in order for it to create the necessary market for shareholders.
They feigned to take the stuff from the loom, cut it out in the air with big scissors, they sewed with needles without any thread, saying at last: “Look here, now the robes are ready!”
The removal of the H.264 codec may not come as a surprise to many as Google said they would cut it out earlier this year due to a patent issue with a group of companies including Microsoft.
I had to cut down a tree and enlist the help of seven neighbours to get it out of the garden!
Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn't boil for longer than necessary.
After you cut out those sections, you'll have to go back and revise the rest, to see how it all fits together.
Everything out-of-doors was covered with ice and snow, and the wind blew so that it cut the face.
To be fair, the FSA says it is not telling people to cut out roast foods entirely but to reduce their lifetime intake.
Put out your little tongue that I may cut it off as my payment; then you shall have the powerful draught.
If you need future access to anything, just frame around it and cut out the opening when you drywall.
There's a thief hanging on the gallows out there, and I'll cut his hand off; which hand was it?
我想办法帮你渡过难关。外面绞刑架上吊着一个小偷。我去把他的手切下来。哪只手呢? “ ”?
But this time I cut out the tags so he couldn't return it.
WHEN the Internet took off in the mid-1990s, it was often claimed that it would improve price transparency, cut out middlemen and make markets more efficient.
Now it was not just any old cake. It came in the round cake pans, and Ibaked it, but then I attempted to cut out a heart and used pink icing anddecorated it.
If your product can cut that company's costs or streamline its out-of-control processes, then play it up.
If your product can cut that company's costs or streamline its out-of-control processes, then play it up.