Entrepreneurs need friends and maybe family to get them through this cyclical downturn in order to jump start their companies.
This is giving the US consumer a false sense of wealth and wellbeing, he believes, arguing that US data merely reflect a temporary upswing in a large cyclical downturn.
What the current crisis does underline, however, is that a cyclical downturn associated with a collapse of the banking system is by an order of magnitude worse than a normal cyclical downturn.
What the current crisis does underline, however, is that a cyclical downturn associated with a collapse of the banking system is by an order of magnitude worse than a normal cyclical downturn.
While the news may be full of stories of an economic downturn, remember that markets are cyclical and will recover.
Sorting the cyclical from the structural is tricky; and excessively gloomy conclusions can be drawn in the midst of a downturn.
China's massive counter-cyclical monetary and fiscal stimulus in early 2009 was appropriate given the threat of a severe downturn.
Complex cyclical forecasting models failed to predict the forthcoming downturn.
Complex cyclical forecasting models failed to predict the forthcoming downturn.