One of the limitation for traditional data-dictionary design pattern in information systems is short of expansibility, and it is unadapted for the appearance of new information resources.
Another place where you can put this kind of requirement is in the glossary or data dictionary.
All schemas in the same database share the same data dictionary and transaction logs.
For each term used in the schema, a data dictionary provides a description that informally fills in the semantics for that term.
It might even be enough to maintain a separate data dictionary document, of the sort familiar to database developers.
The data dictionary is an important artifact that enables meaningful communication between business and it communities.
The parser code receives a JSON file as input and returns a data dictionary (or an array) containing all the objects described inside the JSON file.
For example, "data dictionary" and "data model" are related to the metadata; whereas glossary, controlled vocabulary and taxonomy concern the data instances.
A business glossary, sometimes referred to as a data dictionary, is the artifact that defines the terms and data associated with an initiative.
A business glossary, sometimes referred to as a data dictionary, is the artifact that defines and contains the agreed definitions of the terms and data associated with an initiative.
This tool generates an InfoSphere Business Glossary XML import file from the domain definitions and associated information contained in the Initiate MDS data dictionary tables.
此工具能从域定义以及包含在InitiateMDS数据字典表的相关信息生成一个InfoSphereBusiness GlossaryXML导入文件。
The InitiateGlossary solution described here incorporates a subset of the data model elements defined in the Data Dictionary as outlined below.
This mapping requires an abstraction level between the actual physical data location and the domain model, which is contained in Initiate's Data Dictionary.
A data dictionary is used to capture and communicate the meaning and representation of various data elements, most commonly for relational databases.
It also used a centralized Data Dictionary, interfaced with various CASE tools, and could deploy to production from development.
A data dictionary is a small database that stores data definitions and descriptions of database structure.
Metadata information is stored and managed by the data Dictionary, which is composed of base tables, and corresponding views.
元数据信息在Data Dictionary中存储和管理,由基本表和相应的视图组成。
Specifically speaking, a given source data pattern can be converted to a local target data pattern according to the standard data pattern (the data dictionary) by the data exchange tool.
The information defining a deployed hub domain model and the abstraction between the actual storage location is primarily defined in tables belonging to the Data Dictionary section.
定义一个已部署的hu b域模型及其与实际的存储位置间的抽象的信息主要在属于数据字典部分的表内定义。
Setting up the data dictionary in database, which can manage the field information of each object table.
The data dictionary consists of sets of views. In many cases, a set consists of three views containing similar information and distinguished from each other by their prefixes.
Using the online catalog as the data dictionary.
The research showed that application of data dictionary in universal database management could improve the database's efficiency.
The database performance management system may through the data dictionary inquiry form realize monitoring under the distributional isomerism database environment based on the rule.
This paper introduces the data model, extensible interface, and the extensible abilities of the system and proposes an implementation scheme based on the ADT and data dictionary.
This software consists of information import, inquiry statistics, data report form, data dictionary, and so on, which meets the demands of mine safety information.
The database consists two parts: one is the physical database of urban electromagnetic environment, the other is data dictionary.
The static data consistency restrictions were achieved through the restrictions from data dictionary, data relations and products data.
The data dictionary is structured in tables and views, just like other database data.
The data dictionary is structured in tables and views, just like other database data.