GetDistributionByArea (...) for retrieving the distribution data for the selected brand through the chart data access component ChartDataAccessor.
The core of the integrated heterogeneous data consists of data access component, data transition and encryption component, communication component, which can be reused.
Which resource it refers to -- the data source for employee access or the one for customer access -- depends on which component is using the resource name.
A T2 driver has a native component that is part of the driver, but separate from the data access API.
IDSLBACREADSET: Each set component of the user security label must include the set component of the data security label to allow access to data.
It is generally a good practice to encapsulate the data component with its data access business component. This is especially the case for stateful business components.
IDSLBACREADARRAY: Each array component of the user security label must be greater than or equal to the array component of the data security label to allow access to data.
IDSLBACWRITEARRAY: Each array component of the user security label must be equal to the array component of the data security label to allow access to data.
IDSLBACWRITESET: Each set component of the user security label must include the set component of the data security label to allow access to data.
When a component such as a resource adapter on WebSphere Process Server needs database access, it uses a server data source.
The system can be divided into two layers: the data access subsystem and the layout subsystem, and the design of the layout subsystem is based on SCH (Software Component Hierarchy).
Thus, a provider is any software component that implements OLE DB interfaces to encapsulate access to data and expose it to other objects (that is, consumers).
CIS is the component interface specification for the access of CIM itself and the data.
Medium access control (MAC) protocol is an important component of the wireless data communication protocols.
The invention discloses a data storage controller for controlling each data access of a data storing component.
This is useful if you need to pass data to another component for processing and you wish to limit how much of your data the component can access.
For example, sensitive data, such as a social registration number or a password, needs to be protected from access by any component that did not set it.
For example, sensitive data, such as a social registration number or a password, needs to be protected from access by any component that did not set it.