Typically, each data adapter is used to read and write data to a single data table.
Data adapter Configuration Wizard helps you set the properties of a new or existing data adapter.
If you are creating a new adapter, drag a data adapter object from the Toolbox onto a form or component.
The following procedure describes how to configure your diagnostic data adapter to collect event log data.
You can specify which applications to record in your test Settings for the actions diagnostic data adapter.
The same set of UI elements used to define the various data adapter commands are used in the standalone command editor.
Each time you add a data adapter from the Toolbox, you rerun the wizard to configure that particular data adapter.
A data adapter contains SQL commands that your application can use to read data into a dataset from a database and write it back again.
If you intend to use a dataset that contains multiple tables, you will probably want to add more data adapter to your form or component.
Once you have configured your data adapter, you can generate the data set definition that will host your data adapter disconnected result sets.
This causes code to be automatically generated to create the ADO.NET connection, command, and data adapter objects that are added to the component tray.
这可导致自动生成代码以创建将添加到组件托盘中的 ADO.NET连接、命令和数据适配器对象。
If you did not configure the actions diagnostic data adapter in your test Settings, then the default values are used to create your action recording.
The drag-and-drop operation will automatically generate the required ADO.NET connection, command, and data adapter objects and add them to the form's component tray.
该拖放(drag-and-drop)操作将自动生成所需的 ADO.NET连接、命令和数据适配器对象,并将其添加到窗体的组件托盘上。
After running the wizard, you still need to separately add a dataset to your application and write code to provide a way for the data adapter to work with the dataset.
Additionally, you could generate DataSets directly from the data adapter nodes in the IBM Explorer, eliminating the need to create a Windows application to generate a DataSet.
Test Settings can be configured to use the diagnostic data adapter for test impact analysis to monitor specific processes and modules for changes that affect existing tests.
These individual commands on the data adapter could be either exposed as Microsoft IIS Web methods or as DB2 embedded application server Web services using the DB2 WORF technology.
数据适配器上的这些单独命令要么公开为MicrosoftIISWeb方法,要么公开为使用DB 2WORF技术的DB 2嵌入式应用服务器Web服务。
Then this paper expounds the design and realization of four main parts in the model. These parts are data Adapter, XML message component, data transmission and data exchange tool.
The menu options to create the Web services and Web methods were provided on the Data Adapters node in the IBM Explorer tree as well as on the individual data adapter nodes in the tree.
创建Web服务和 Web方法的菜单选项在IBMExplorer树中的Data Adapters节点及该树中的单独数据适配器节点上提供。
You had to manually add the user interface control, set the binding on it, generate the DataSet, and also add the code to the Load event of the form to fill the data adapter with the DataSet.
For application development, in addition to being able to drag and drop data objects, you could also drag and drop these data adapters onto forms and configure them using the data adapter wizard.
Combined with bluetooth application practical project, this thesis designed a bluetooth profile oriented data adapter module for the purpose of reducing the complication in secondary development.
Inbound work, like number of files in the file system for a flat file adapter or data in a database table for a JDBC adapter, should not grow unusually.
In this article, you developed three distinct service modules: a flat file adapter module, a data handler module and a simple service.
The content adapter processes data from a source and sends it to the trigger handler.
IBM provides technology adapters, like the JMS adapter, to facilitate the exchange of data with JMS enabled applications.
In the previous steps, you configured the adapter to use structured data (DTF).
This new adapter module would then reuse the data handler.
To improve transfer and receive large amounts of data, you can configure a couple of network adapter Settings.
When a business object is passed outbound to the adapter, it is converted to a format understood by the adapter by a data binding that is part of the import.