The parallel and redundancy are implemented by using data communication method in emergency shutdown for enhancing the reliability of the system.
Data communication system, method, apparatus and digital interface.
What are the courses offered by your university in data communication?
Traditionally, messages came into IMS through its SNA data communication protocol from VTAM.
Simplex: Data communication in one direction only. Contrast to Full duplex , Half duplex.
The experiment shows that this controller realizes effective and reliable data communication.
On the other hand, the standard of data communication protocol of the space is not unalterable.
Each socket has a socket queue, and each interface has an interface queue used for data communication.
Data communication system, information processing device and method, recording medium and program.
SCTP designates a single address as the "primary" address and USES this address for all data communication.
The application of infrared data communication to power monitoring and measuring equipment is introduced.
Computers memory, data storage, and data communication have their own rough approximations of Moore's Law.
This is very simple in design but with sufficient features for data collection and data communication, etc.
Because companies rely heavily on data communication, inter-networks must provide a certain level of reliability.
But with the quick development of the high data communication technique, its practicability will be very promising.
In this paper mainly describes data communication methods and program interfaces of expert system with control process.
The software platform applied to data communication among networks is of the core technique of embedded network equipment.
The data communication through computer's serial interface is often involved in the design of distributing control system.
This design realizes the data communication between the main controller and accessary controller in MIC bus redundancy system.
Total exchange is a type of data communication in which every processor send its message to all other other processors simultaneously.
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is a cryptographic protocol that provides privacy and security for data communication over the network.
SecureSocketsLayer (SSL)协议是一种加密协议,可为网络上的数据通信提供隐私和安全保障。
The new system will ensure voice and data communication, automatic vehicle and personal location and the capacity to connect to high speed data applications.
While the new iPhone has been greatly admired and widely touted for its impressive voice and data communication capabilities, some Americans remain skeptical.
For the sake of communicating with airborne equipments by the 429 bus at the working site, the ARINC 429 bus data communication system platform is needed.
为了在工作现场能和使用429总线的机载设备进行通讯,开发一套便于携带的ARINC 429总线数据通讯设备是十分必要的。
To support compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), organizations are increasing standard data communication with payers.
为了符合健康保险携带和责任法案(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act,HIPAA),各个组织正在增进与支付者的标准数据通信。
To avoid the problem of mutual infiltration between the system network, especially through the Ethernet network of the signal safety data communication network.
Though representing a mere 24 per cent of the total data communication users, the community data users have contributed to 94.7 per cent of the service revenue.
Messaging: Messaging is supported for data communication in both versions of WebSphere Portal specified above, but only for portlet projects that use WebSphere APIs.
在上面指定的WebSpherePortal的两个版本中,消息传递用来支持数据通信,但是仅针对使用WebSphere API的portlet项目。
Messaging: Messaging is supported for data communication in both versions of WebSphere Portal specified above, but only for portlet projects that use WebSphere APIs.
在上面指定的WebSpherePortal的两个版本中,消息传递用来支持数据通信,但是仅针对使用WebSphere API的portlet项目。