There is also data redundancy in XML databases.
In another case, pictures with BMP format have data redundancy.
It is more normalized thereby avoiding data redundancy and saving storage space.
Businesses need data redundancy to protect against individual hard-drive failures.
How does the use of a centralized database solve the data redundancy problem?
Reduction of data redundancy through the consolidation of synonymous and overlapping data elements.
Filtering rules are not the same thing as the normalization rules that aim at reducing data redundancy.
It can improve the efficiency of process design and decrease data redundancy using mould and coding technology.
The storage methods of global directories and Pointers reduce the data redundancy and improve the data integrity.
Adding a mirror to an existing volume provides data redundancy by maintaining multiple copies of a volume's data.
This paper introduces a method of rectifying data in RAM or EEROM, which makes use of CRC and multiple data redundancy.
Disparity prediction is a commonly used method to realize the data redundancy and also a key technology for stereo video coding.
Adding a mirror to an existing volume provides data redundancy by maintaining multiple copies of a volume's data on different disks.
Real-time correction of color disorder can be achieved through software modification using data redundancy and data relocation technology.
So the paper thoroughly discusses the design and optimization of DBMS system, integrality and consistence of the data and data redundancy.
This system used E-R chart method to design in order to minimum data redundancy and optimize data consistency and reduce updating abnormity.
本系统采用E -R图法进行规范化设计使得数据冗余最小,数据一致性好,更新异常问题不易发生。
A LDM creates an enterprise view of data, helps to reduce data redundancy, improve data quality, and speed up integration and green-field projects.
通过创建一个企业数据视图,LDM有助于降低数据冗余、改善数据质量、加速集成,以及开发新(green - field)项目。
EDM allows an enterprise view of data which helps to reduce data redundancy, improve data quality, and speed up integration and green-field projects.
The test result indicated data aggregation technology could efficiently decrease data redundancy, prolong network lifetime and ease network congestion.
As described in the problem statement, it is the goal of this approach to avoid data redundancy when providing an integrated view over heterogeneous sources.
The technique of data normalization is about correct ways of partitioning the data among tables to minimize data redundancy and maximize the speed of retrieval.
You may also prefer the star schemas if you want to minimize data redundancy and storage consumption and are willing to spend more system resources on shredding.
The pattern creates an integrated view into distributed information without creating data redundancy while federating both structured and unstructured information.
The product-oriented application silos that comprise most core banking solutions lead to data redundancy for core bank data domains, such as customer and product data.
For database redundancy purpose, CRF (Continuous Roll Forward) Mechanism has been used for data redundancy purpose between the active and standby database server.
Neither one is technically a form of RAID at all, since RAID stands for "redundant array of inexpensive disks", and RAID-0 and linear mode don't provide any kind of data redundancy.
从技术上讲,二者都不是RAID,因为 RAID代表“廉价磁盘冗余阵列”,而RAID-0和线性模式都不提供任何类型的数据冗余。
In this paper, a linear referencing system based on road line-shape is presented in order to reduce spatial data redundancy and protect road event from going out of road range.
However, classifying hyperspectral images only with traditional classification algorithms will result in low classification precision, data redundancy and great waste of resource.
PASIS architecture combines decentralized storage system technologies, data redundancy and encoding, and dynamic self-maintenance to create survivable information storage technology.
PASIS architecture combines decentralized storage system technologies, data redundancy and encoding, and dynamic self-maintenance to create survivable information storage technology.