The time needed to provision a storage unit varies by the size of the storage being requested, the type, and current activity of that particular cloud environment (or, the data center).
The drawback to this is that the data storage requires that you spend a lot of time and effort doing proper indexing.
Change the default storage location for the DATA/LOG files on the SQL server at this point, to save time in the future.
The system's storage capacity goes up and down depending on the number of users, instances, and the amount of data transferred at a given time.
All data defined in the LOCAL-STORAGE SECTION have storage allocated each time a program is called and de-allocated when the program ends.
每次调用程序时,LOCAL - STORAGESECTION中定义的所有数据都将分配存储空间,并在程序结束后取消该分配。
This functionality minimizes waste in the storage system in addition to providing better utilization of the storage network (because less data emitted to storage requires less time in transfer).
Graphite is a Python web application that has been developed to provide scalable storage and visualization for numeric time-series data.
MEN Micro Inc. is introducing the P512 reflective memory PCI mezzanine card (PMC) that provides real-time redundant military data storage across several computers in a networked battlefield system.
The next time the user signs in, Acegi can load his or her details (such as username, password, and privileges) from the cache instead of reading from back-end data storage.
Depending on the time between trips, the amount of data storage may affect the number of channels recorded, the sample interval, or both.
In the system, the real-time collection, fast transfer, concentrated storage, comprehensive analysis and visual display of data are realized.
Its time complexity is o (n), and its appended storage space is very small. The algorithm particularly suits to the situation of large amounts of data.
该算法的时间复杂度为O (N),且附加存储空间极小,特别适合于数据量大的场合。
A routine or storage used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another.
Owing to the advantages in high storage capacity, fast data transfer rate, and short access time, volume holographic memories (VHM) are considered to meet the needs.
In fact, in order to realize image data real-time collecting and rapid storage, uniting PCI bus and SCSI bus which make system hold high speed data throughput provides sufficiency observation data.
在实际的工作中,把PC I局部总线和SCSI系统总线结合起来,使整个系统拥有高速的数据吞吐量,以期实现图象数据的实时采集和快速存储,为实时处理和事后分析工作提供充分的观测数据。
In this paper, we propose a storage architecture for an embedded real time database system according to the data character of real time application and the performance of the storage media.
At the same time, the representation and storage of drilling data documents based on XML are introduced.
We include the storage of the part program data in the CNC for the shortest change-over time and repeatable rolling process.
Virtual storage pool makes users acquire data from storage server's network channels synchronously, which shortens server's response time hugely and improves system average transmission rate.
Use of programmable logic devices to overcome voltage and current signals by the time of measurement error, and also provided a data storage space.
The function of real time control, state monitor, data storage, fault alarm, system management was realized in the course of fuel circulation.
Data storage, reading and continuous monitoring of point pixels have been well solved in design of time sequence logic.
This system mostly realizes four functions: the inspecting temperature based on image, the storage on real time of dynamic data-base, creating parameter's graph and controlling the quantity of coal.
Real -time data reading and storage which are required in serial communication occupy a large amount of system resources.
From time to time to upload and download FTP, timing statistics, regular storage and trigger data through stored procedures.
The system have functions of data calibrate, real time data display, the system demarcate, the real-time dynamic drawing data curve, data storage and print etc.
It can deal with three channels data acquiring, real-time data display and pre - processing, and realizes remote transmitting, real time data storage and limit alarms beyond it.
The "VXIbus synchronous Data acquisition Module" presented in this dissertation supports real-time synchronous acquisition, storage and processing of the multi-channel inputs.
The mentioned system can work in case of high-capacity and long time data acquisition and storage, and real-time display and processing, and it has a good prospect of engineering application.
The mentioned system can work in case of high-capacity and long time data acquisition and storage, and real-time display and processing, and it has a good prospect of engineering application.