Check database integrity to detect inconsistencies caused by hardware or software errors.
Database integrity tests can detect inconsistencies caused by hardware or software errors.
This is called before-images and before-images are used for restore to ensure database integrity.
这就称作前映像(before -image),被用于恢复数据,确保了数据库的完整性。
This configuration is especially useful for database integrity and server restarts after an outage.
You also get faster server restart times, greater database integrity, and much higher system availability.
Database integrity is one of the key issues in database design and development of database applications.
Database security definitions mainly refers to data and information to ensure database integrity, confidentiality and availability.
DBUnit is about maintaining database integrity across test runs (and in fact you can use DBUnit as part of the set up and tear down of your tests in Twist).
A transaction that is not fully recorded cannot be rolled back. To preserve database integrity, the operating system ended the transaction and rolled it back automatically.
One major advantage of the relational model is that, if a database is designed efficiently, there should be no duplication of any data; helping to maintain database integrity.
Each transaction is logged to ensure the integrity of the data in the database.
The application depends on the integrity of the database software to produce uniform results.
Because there is no error handling logic, you must rely on database constraints to ensure semantic integrity of the data.
Because the database manager can determine when a row is changed, it can ensure data integrity while limiting the time that locks are held.
It is also a sound choice if you want to use database referential integrity to enforce associations.
So the type of connection being established does not matter because the act of booting the database will recover any incomplete transactions in the transaction log in order to preserve data integrity.
As an enterprise persistence technology, JDBC come up somewhat short in that it leaves all the responsibility of managing concurrency and data integrity to the developer or database.
This often results in highly complex schemes to deal with database locking and concurrency, or alternatively, loss of data integrity when these issues are not considered.
However, when performance and production-level transactional integrity is more important, it is advisable to place these data stores on production-level database systems.
You can't use database features such as referential integrity, and you can't rely on tools to discover the relationships based on the names of your columns.
Note that database relational integrity checks are disabled during the load process.
That leads to many issues of data integrity, locking strategies, issues that are well known to database people.
They control access to the back-end data and internally manage current transactions and database locking while preserving data integrity.
Optimistic locking is an extremely efficient concurrency control method that guarantees data integrity without placing any physical lock in the database.
Support for validating XML data based on user-supplied schemas, which allows application developers and database administrators to enforce data integrity constraints for XML data stored in DB2.
支持基于用户提供的模式验证XML数据,这使得应用程序开发人员和数据库管理员可以对DB2中存储的 XML 数据实施数据完整性约束。
XML data integrity in a DB2 database can be viewed in several ways.
Some configurations, such as those with only one database resource, do not require the full data integrity that is provided by the two-phase commit protocol of the XA interface.
Database locking strategies are critical for gaining the best possible application performance, while ensuring data integrity and consistent application behavior.
This ability affects the user interface, business logic, and database; in addition, it is necessary to address issues regarding concurrency, data integrity, user transparency, and replication.
This will not affect the referential integrity or primary-foreign key relationships between the tables in the membership database.