One day I stopped by Bob's room and asked why he was spreading the wrong information.
He had a dirty little room close by the pigsty; and there he sat the whole day, and worked.
If you walked into my living room on any given day, you would find that, first, I have the television on.
Rooms are usually full right after dinner time, but you can sign up the day before to reserve a room if you want.
I think about different ways every day, I think now I just want to run into his room.
"It's an amazing place," AB said, "but our hotel room was filthy and we ate the same thing every day. Noodles for breakfast and rice for dinner."
We heard about a special intensive reading program that required students to spend four hours every day in a small room with an instructor.
I remember exactly where I was on the day when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor: in my room practicing my clarinet.
One day the little daughter came running to her mother in the store-room, and said, "Mother, give me an apple."
One day, Celina cleaned the dining room.
Later that day, Jip came into the room.
It's a good habit to keep your room tidy every day.
Many people have come to realize that they should go on a balanced diet and make room in their day for exercise.
I can spend the day in bed and consider how tiny my room is.
The next day, the two boys remembered the "Number two", thinking this must be the number of the room in the hotel.
As they grew more mobile, we let them move freely around the house during the day, but when we were asleep we had to contain them in a large room, otherwise they'd get up to mischief.
The next day I booked a flight to Vegas and a room at the convention hotel.
Especially in winter, with low sun, it reflects back a burst of sunlight into the room, which makes my day.
Joint Iteration planning - Iteration planning should be done as a unified team on the same day, in the same room if possible.
AM: How do you think your father would feel about all these scholars and students, all these people sitting around in a dark room all day discussing and debating his philosophies?
A few weeks ago, the morning after Memorial Day, my dad landed in the emergency room with intense stomach pain.
Later in the day. The mother went into the boy's room because she wanted to remember him.
The company can build 25 such hotels per day, with each room covering 12 SQM. (See photo).
Bring one of these into your home and you can go on and change looks of your living-room every day of your life.
On the day of the hearing the emergency room was empty, tarpaulins hung in some hallways and a small white boat was marooned in an adjoining parking lot.
I spent the day in the waiting room polishing a manuscript whose only significance was its power to distract.
I spent the day in the waiting room polishing a manuscript whose only significance was its power to distract.