Even if ALH84001 really is the dead end some argue, the work has been worth it.
Many simply redirect users to a corporate homepage — a dead end in other words.
Then they explored administrative appeal avenues, which turned out to be a dead end.
Don't let pages come to a dead end, without any links to other resources on the site.
There are too many of them anyway; why would you want to point your visitors to a dead end?
Too often, a spouse tries to double as a career coach when an employee's job hits a dead end.
He might have spent years, and quite a lot of money, on something that was going to prove to be a dead end.
The negotiation seemed to be at a dead end, with the U.S. negotiators out of ideas for pushing through a deal.
If you try to find out more about this committee, its members, its powers and remit, you would come up against a dead end.
But if you don't want to increase the number of indexes defined on the table, are you at a performance tuning dead end?
That could mean bird flu will remain a dead end, infecting the occasional unlucky person but never turning into a full-blown pandemic.
Almost every team chose to follow a gully that led to a dead end, and this is where most rovers either broke down or lost communications.
There are other forces that can drive your life but all lead to the same dead end: unused potential, unnecessary stress, and an unfulfilled life.
Ajit Varki, a biologist at the University of California, San Diego, argues that the awareness of mortality on its own would have led evolution to a dead end.
From that you find a relationship between that idea and another idea. You continue doing this path until you get back where you started or reach a dead end.
At stake are not just fish, hydrocarbons and minerals: melting ice means that the Arctic, once largely a dead end, may become a strategic route to East Asia.
But there could be bottlenecks along the way he warns: "At the beginning of Earth making life was messy, random and inefficient, with many dead end products."
We usually find that the existing architecture leads people from a very vibrant and interactive experience (social networks) to a static dead end (our web sites).
The project transformed malmo Central station, which is actually in the northern part of the city, from a dead end where trains had to reverse course into a through station.
Waitressing was a dead-end job.
If you've successfully mustered the willpower to kick a bad habit or leave a dead-end job, you gain the confidence to confront other challenges.
While some people may get lucky and just happen to wind up on the road to success, others do not, and their lack of planning leads to a dead-end job.
Obama's vacation home sits on a dead-end road with few other homes.
Thomas Tauke, the head of public policy for Verizon, a telecoms operator, has compared existing regulation to a mystery house, full of empty rooms and dead-end stairwells.
One of my friends said he chased me all the way into a dead-end alley, and that I would just disappear without a trace.
Adversity is not a dead-end but a detour to a better outcome.
The human appendix is a small dead-end tube connected to the cecum, or ascending colon, one section of the large intestine.
It took years of dead-end love affairs (and a healthy dose of therapy) to push me over the edge.
It took years of dead-end love affairs (and a healthy dose of therapy) to push me over the edge.