The Deadly Sin of Mixing the Two Marketing approaches.
We see a deadly sin on every street corner, in every home, and we tolerate it.
The fifth deadly SINS: the sin, form if the snail, defeat by weight, the worry, hand and foot, is bound.
The third deadly SINS: capricious, and do not sin is conscientious, don't understand gradually, and further, and two steps back.
This is an example of what Harvard psychologist Daniel L. Schacter calls the first deadly sin of memory: transience (Schacter, 1999).
这就是为了说明我们今天要谈到的由哈佛大学心理学教授Daniell .Schacter所提到的记忆七宗罪中第一宗:记忆的易逝性所援引的一个例子。
Tempted by a dream of happiness, he had yielded himself, with deliberate choice, as he had never done before, to what he knew was deadly sin.
Tempted by a dream of happiness, he had yielded himself, with deliberate choice, as he had never done before, to what he knew was deadly sin.