All religions have certain days when people refrain from eating and excessive eating is one of Christianity's seven deadly sins.
The seven deadly SINS are about earthly self-indulgence and narcissism.
Can you overcome the demons of the Seven Deadly Sins and save the world? Pray you do!
The conceited, arrogant feeling of pride has been called the deadliest of the seven deadly SINS.
Don't say no to give you the opportunity, if you say so then you have made the fifth deadly SINS.
The fifth deadly SINS: the sin, form if the snail, defeat by weight, the worry, hand and foot, is bound.
I'm going to briefly address what, in my experience, are the five deadly SINS of the start-up entrepreneur.
It is not for nothing that this failure was reckoned by medieval theologians as one of he Seven Deadly Sins.
So today I wanted to point out the top things not to do - the top five deadly SINS of paid search (according to me).
As for those who have never heard of the Seven Deadly Sins, scroll down and you will be educated by our February muse.
若你还曾未听过“七大原罪”, 那就继续往下瞧瞧, 让我们二月份的缪思–。
This is the first in a new series on the 7 deadly SINS of memory. First up, how the passage of time affects our memories.
And many marital therapists warn against complaining, something that some consider one of the seven deadly SINS of marriage.
The conceited, arrogant feeling of pride has been called the deadliest of the seven deadly SINS. Yet pride can also be noble.
Of course most people aren't going to admit they use envy to motivate themselves, after all, it's one of the seven deadly sins.
The third deadly SINS: capricious, and do not sin is conscientious, don't understand gradually, and further, and two steps back.
On the contrary, practical Confucianism, in the words of Arthur Smith, a very wise missionary, committed seven deadly SINS against women.
To lose, to go under, to go break-these are deadly SINS in a world where prosperity in the present is seen as a sure sign of salvation in the future.
MsSease, whose company queried more than 8, 000 readers on what they wantand don’t want from a newspaper, has distilled their negative answersinto what she calls "the seven deadly sins."
But there is more behind these SINS than a simple choice to do wrong. We face a deadly illness, an overwhelming bondage, a spiritual force much stronger than we are.
But there is more behind these SINS than a simple choice to do wrong. We face a deadly illness, an overwhelming bondage, a spiritual force much stronger than we are.