Most adults, when they fall down, make a big deal out of it and don't even make a second attempt.
Each loan is so small I'd feel really cheap making a big deal out of it; still, I do resent the fact that she never pays me back.
Just make it a quick, innocent touch and don't make a big deal out of it.
So for now, there is no deal out there that both teams are willing to do.
She made this big deal out of going on a business trip to San Francisco last week.
She is such a . mp3ma queen. She makes a huge deal out of losing a book or a bad.
And if you're wondering if PediaPress got a sweet deal out of the partnership, the answer is yes.
You deal out the cards to the project team, this gives them the information that they need to focus upon.
This may have shown up later in an Ancient Greek word nemein with a similar meaning of “deal out” or “distribute.”
You’re making too big a deal out of one rejection, the same way you’re making too big a deal out of one holiday.
When it came time to deal out justice, however, Nick was the most popular and sought-after executioner on Dandrak.
I help my friends with their homework and they know I've got special skills, but they don't alienate me or make a big deal out of it.
Honda, he said, exists “in a sort of restless, uneasy state, which enables it to get a great deal out of its people and itself as an entity”.
On the off chance that I do try typing, try to be encouraging, but also don't make a way huge deal out of it, because then I get embarrassed.
Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment.
But it made an impression on me that they made a big deal out of each other's special days. I don't remember any of my friends' parents doing that.
Manners are important, but if you accidentally spill your glass of wine or find yourself with spinach in your teeth, don't overreact and make an epic deal out of it.
Though some supporters of the franchise are arguing that critics are making a big deal out of nothing - after all, don't they expect to see violence in a superhero flick?
Indeed, Mr. Obama has lately been going where the money isn’t, making a big deal out of a freeze on nonsecurity discretionary spending, which accounts for only 12 percent of the budget.
If they were emailing with someone that was requesting strange things that made them uncomfortable, would they tell you because they know you would "over-react" and make a big deal out of it?
She puts a dark mist upon her and brings a curse upon all those who drive her out, who deal in her and twist her in dealing.
The week before the deal was supposed to close, fifteen Japanese banks made a move to pull out.
The problem with being a grownup is that there's an awful lot of serious stuff to deal with—work, mortgage payments, figuring out what to cook for dinner.
They want to know if the economic crisis would affect our ability to carry out the deal we signed last November.
They want to know if the economic crisis would affect our ability to carry out the deal we signed last November.