The god which only turns DEATH NOTE to render up the human life field then can kill note's owner.
The DEATH NOTE will not take effect if you write a specific bictims name using several different pages.
When regaining ownership of the DEATH NOTE, the memories associated with the DEATH NOTE will also return.
This means only6 gods of death that have passed on their death NOTE to humans can stay in the human world.
Gods of death, the original owners of the death note, do not do, in principle, anything which will help or prevent the deaths in the note.
Black is also working on an action project from Sony; and Warner Bros recently hired him to direct a live action adaptation of the Japanese manga series Death Note.
Only by touching each other's death NOTE can human individuals who own the death NOTE in the human world recognize the appearance or voice of each other's god of death.
Only by touching each other's death NOTE can human individuals who own the death NOTE in the human world recognize the appearance and voice of each other's god of death.
This does not mean that he will lose all the memory from the day he owned it to the day he loses possession. but mean he will only lose the memory mvolving the DEATH NOTE.
Sentially. finding a human to pass on the death NOTE should be done from the world of the god of death. but if it is within 82 hours this may also be done in the human world.
Even though only one name is written on the DEATH NOTE if it indiusnces and causes other humans that are not written on it to die. the victims cause of death will be a heart attack.
Even though only one name is written in the death NOTE, if it influences and causes other humans that are not written in it to die, the victim's cause of death will be a heart attack.
It is very difficult to consider that a god of death who has possessed a human could die. but if he should die. the DEATH NOTE that he brought into the human world will not lose its power.
Whenever you want to change anything written on the DEATH NOTE within 6 minutes and 40 seconds after you wrote, you must first rule out the characters you want to erase with two straight line.
The use of the DEATH NOTE in the human world sometimes affects other humans lives or shortens their original life span. even though their names are not actually written in the DEATH NOTE it self.
In the world of gods of death there aie a few copies of what human may call user guidebok for using the DEATH NOTE in the human world. However, the guidebook is not allowed to be delivered to human.
Mere dilettantes might not have taken note of Papa Joe – a Dickensian character if ever there was one – since he used a press conference to promote a record label, four days after Michael's death.
NOTE: Our previous image #4 (a report on the Pope's death, with a missplaced "It's about time") was removed after being confirmed as fake by one of our readers. Thanks Chris.
NOTE: Our previous image #4 (a report on the Pope's death, with a missplaced "It's about time") was removed after being confirmed as fake by one of our readers.
In order to prove it, Houdini left his wife a secret note with 10 randomly selected words that he would communicate to her after his death.
That compared with 6.3 seconds for those who had only read the note about the student's death and 7.2 for those who had not heard any of the story concerning the dead student.
The researchers note that other studies have linked optimism with reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
Note: "If the dream of floating," that is, from: "blow it into space" refers to death by accident.
Note: "If the dream of floating," that is, from: "blow it into space" refers to death by accident.